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May 19, 2014 6:24 PM CST
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I have a papaya tree I just moved back outside. Just in the last day I noticed the bottom leaf is turning white . What have I done wrong ?
Thumb of 2014-05-20/coinin/e5ab5f

Thank you all here is a picture Yes I live in Sc. Actually we did have a cold day of 63 last wk. Could that be the reason.The top ones are fine .
Last edited by coinin May 20, 2014 4:46 PM Icon for preview
May 19, 2014 6:59 PM CST
Name: Elaine
Sarasota, Fl
The one constant in life is change
Amaryllis Tropicals Multi-Region Gardener Orchids Master Gardener: Florida Irises
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Welcome, coinin! A picture of the whole plant would be very helpful, and a close-up of the leaf in question as well if possible.

Um, is it warm where you live? Papayas are very sensitive to cold. But they do drop leaves from the bottom up even when nothing is wrong. Are the new leaves looking happy?

Did you look on the back side of the leaf for any sign of bugs?

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." –Winston Churchill
May 20, 2014 6:11 AM CST
Name: Michele Roth
N.E. Indiana - Zone 5b, and F (Zone 9b)
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Welcome! to ATP.

Did you slowly transition your indoor plant into being able to handle outdoor conditions? If not, it may be due to sun-scald or climate shock. While growing indoors your plant's leaves were used to growing at lower light levels than what it would have been outdoors. If only a small proportion of leaves are affected it should be okay, but if you notice more of them starting to turn, I'd say to find it a shadier spot for a week or so, or move it back indoors during the middle of the day. It won't take too terribly long for your plant to adapt and toughen-up, but right at the beginning it may need a little help. Smiling
Cottage Gardening

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