May 23, 2014 8:24 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Who can recommend some perennial plants for me that have enough BRIGHT green foliage to make an impact?
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May 23, 2014 8:48 PM CST
Name: Bob
Vernon N.J. (Zone 6b)
Aquarium Plants Bookworm Snakes Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Heucheras
Echinacea Hellebores Dog Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Hostas Region: New Jersey
For a shady area Heuchera Citronelle or Hosta Fire Island.
May 24, 2014 5:02 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Thank you!

The only 2 I could think of were "Sweet Kate" tradescantia and "Golden Jubilee" agastache.
Spiderwort (Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate')
Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee')
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May 25, 2014 10:21 AM CST
Name: Susan
Southeast NE (Zone 5b)
Cat Lover Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Heucheras Irises
Lilies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies
Gold Leaf Tansy. Looks more lime than gold to me.

Angelina sedum is a good edger. I use it under lilies and clematis.
Thumb of 2014-05-25/stilldew/f1b690
May 25, 2014 11:20 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
I DO have Angelina in the front yard - working on getting it to spread like grass - with crocus, daffodils, tulips, asiatic lilies, allium and fritillaria taking their turns popping up through it. I like that it keeps color all winter. (I like to impress the non gardeners who pass by!)

LOVE that limey "golden" tansy! I've never seen that.

I'm looking for upright plants mostly for my back fence bed, which begins to shade up around noon. But also some to sprinkle around in sunnier spots.

I could control tansy with deadheadding, right?
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May 25, 2014 12:02 PM CST
Name: Susan
Southeast NE (Zone 5b)
Cat Lover Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Heucheras Irises
Lilies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies
This is my first year with the tansy, so I'm not sure how hard it is to control. I plan to not let it bloom. I've read that it keeps it's shape better that way and the blooms don't add much. Once Angelina starts to spread, it can be very vigorous, but easy to control.
May 25, 2014 12:16 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Yeah, the Angelina came home 3-4 years ago in a 4" pot - I have at least 100 sq feet of it at home and have sold some at the flea market, too!

I inherited a tansy somewhere and I have it in a bucket, NOT in the ground.... deadheaded it last year.

PERHAPS I should look it up!
See if it spreads by seed or by root, or both....
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.
May 25, 2014 12:18 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Bonehead said: This will spread out nicely if kept weeded. Repels insects.

But there's not much specifics in our database.
I'm off to the wider web....
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.
May 25, 2014 12:30 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
OK, it says the gold leaf is LESS prolific than "the species" but spreads by underground rhizomes AND self seeds.

I think I like it!
I'll plant it in a bucket and deadead.
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May 25, 2014 7:33 PM CST
Name: cheshirekat
New Mexico, USA Zone 8 (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Dog Lover Herbs Garden Procrastinator Vegetable Grower
Is tansy poisonous to animals? Last winter, I had it on my list of things to plant in the side yard to keep the waterbugs away. But after reading somewhere online that it was poisonous, I took it off my list.

After running into very large waterbugs every night, I started to reconsider getting some seeds and grow some in hanging pots. But knowing it reseeds and spreads by rhizomes, I am worried about it escaping the hanging planters. I don't even know if tansy would repel the waterbugs. I don't like the spiders that sneak in either, but they don't bug me as much as the waterbugs.
"A garden is a friend you can visit any time." - Anonymous
May 25, 2014 8:22 PM CST
Name: Bob
Vernon N.J. (Zone 6b)
Aquarium Plants Bookworm Snakes Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Heucheras
Echinacea Hellebores Dog Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Hostas Region: New Jersey
May 26, 2014 3:58 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Good ones Bob! - thanks!
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.
May 26, 2014 4:05 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
ckat -

If you deadhead the tansy it wouldn't escape the basket.

Senecio jacobaea is called "tansy ragwort" and IS poisonous to cows, horses, goats.... It's on the WA stete noxious weeds list.

Tanacetum vulgare is the one we're talking about. It just says "repels" insects.
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.
May 26, 2014 3:18 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Sure wish I had room for this sumac!
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May 26, 2014 3:43 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Found this in my own HAVE list!! Hilarious!
Hybrid Tickseed (Coreopsis 'Cherry Lemonade')
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May 26, 2014 3:49 PM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.
May 26, 2014 7:26 PM CST
Name: Bob
Vernon N.J. (Zone 6b)
Aquarium Plants Bookworm Snakes Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Heucheras
Echinacea Hellebores Dog Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Hostas Region: New Jersey
I have tried the sumac and I know a couple of others who have tried it , we all had the same result smaller year 2 and not back for year3. The Coreopsis would be an annual for you. The Hakone grasses are great plants.
May 26, 2014 8:35 PM CST
Name: Arlene
Southold, Long Island, NY (Zone 7a)
Region: Ukraine Dahlias I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Houseplants Tomato Heads Garden Ideas: Level 1
Plant Identifier Photo Contest Winner: 2014 Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Hakone are great but need constant division. It wears me down.
May 26, 2014 10:30 PM CST
Name: cheshirekat
New Mexico, USA Zone 8 (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Dog Lover Herbs Garden Procrastinator Vegetable Grower
crittergarden said:ckat -

If you deadhead the tansy it wouldn't escape the basket.

Senecio jacobaea is called "tansy ragwort" and IS poisonous to cows, horses, goats.... It's on the WA stete noxious weeds list.

Tanacetum vulgare is the one we're talking about. It just says "repels" insects.

I will have to remember that. I would like to plant some in hangers by the side door and the front door. But, I am in the habit of avoiding deadheading my plants. I like to see flowers become buds, open into flowers, and wither until they fall to the earth. I would have to make a bunch of signs to remind myself what will happen if I let those seeds fall to the ground. So it is a good thing the kind I wanted to plant to repel insects may not be the poisonous one.
"A garden is a friend you can visit any time." - Anonymous
May 27, 2014 5:46 AM CST
Thread OP
Surprisingly GREEN Pittsburgh (Zone 6a)
Rabbit Keeper Bee Lover Cat Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Butterflies Hummingbirder
Dog Lover Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Bulbs Echinacea Irises
Plants I found in my list were in the WANT list, not the HAVE - I misspoke.

I can bring that coreopsis in for the winters. I have several potted plants I do that with.
I REALLY LIKE that coreopsis!!
SHOW ME YOUR CRITTERS! I have a critter page over at Cubits.

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