The season started a couple of weeks ago

However, the blooms are far apart, so I waited till I had a few pics to post. Also, I lost a lot of buds because I had planted the roots too deep. :/ My largest started out with 13 buds and now it looks like only 1 will be blooming.

Horizon blooms are only 4 inches. Very cute. It was a gift with my order. I wouldn't have bought it otherwise as I'm not a big fan of singles, but I really like it. The website, where I got it, says it's better if it's staked, but even with a decent wind, it doesn't fall, so I don't know why it said that. (FrankRichards posted his mature Horizon on the forum.) It also came a week before Festiva Maxima. I'd like to input its bloom period on the files here, but does that mean it's week 3? On the website it is listed as week 4, but FM is EM which makes it week 4, right? Anyway, I'm glad you like it!