Invasive...naw...prolific? Oh yea!
To be invasive a plant needs to spread by seed, asexual reproduction just doesn't cut it!
If you get infested....consider yourself lucky, possibly well fed, konjac flour is good stuff!
And Evans dead right!
Those (potential) seeds coukd hold all the genetic diversity you can imagine and more!
A word of warning to all those that got excited by the google images of shattered glass...
Shattered dreams is more apt...those babies are tough to keep alive!
Nothing like ANY of the konjac super clones! NOTHIN!
They'll rot if you look at em crossways, the green part wants lots of sun, the white wants shade, it's a plant you can never please fully!
And on top of that the variegation is unstable, one year she's a knockout, next she's all green...but even better...tge pups are rarely varigated at all! But they rarely express it til year 3-4...just a mess!
The other super clones on the other hand are solid!!!
I made a trade last year for one each of knight stick and Leo's song( google that one too!) dude tossed in a beige stem too which I'm not so stoked about but I won't know it til I grow it!
At any rate, I shipped first, when I finally got mine and frantically unwrapped it...I was crestfallen to find 3 lil bulbil that made a marble look hefty, not a shooter either!
I've honestly grown peas bigger than these lil guys, I figured all winter wrapped in a paper towel would have totally desicated them but low and behold all 3 are spiked up and a lil leaf in unfurling...
So away we go!
Hope I can make em grew like pappy, tge standard konjac that rules the roost round here...tripled ladt year AND made 70ish offsets...
They just gooble up high "P" fert and seem to pack on more weight in full sun but don't let em get dry or you might lose that big single leaf, that won't help pack on a thing!
Love the amorphs!
They only stink for a few days a year...I'd wager that's better than most of us real gardeners can manage...I'm lucky to smell nice one day a week...
Surely you all wouldn't abandon me for such a minor offense... Would you? 😱