Nice podcast, Dave and Trish. Ya'll covered two of my favorite berries!
There are more than enough wild blackberries here for me to enjoy so I don't cultivate any but if I did I'd go with the thornless Doyle blackberry, something others might like to try not only due to being thornless but also because one plant will produce about 10 times the amount of berries as a typical blackberry plant. I think the family that now sells them lives in Texas somewhere.
And yes, Vic, I'd pick those berries as soon as they ripen, too. And if you can walk up the road with 35 cents and an empty quart Mason jar and return home with some fresh milk with an inch of cream floating on top you'll have the perfect breakfast...blackberries in a bowl covered with cream. Oh the memories of growing up in those mountains over your way.
Happy Day, All!
Thanks again, Trish and Dave!