The sun seems to zap my energy!
I've had TWO specific snake encounters this month....... eeek!
A week - or so ago went out to gather eggs from the coop. When I open the door I can see the nests where the chickens lay but it was empty, so I look to my left and there is a huge back and gold snake draped along the wall and the roosts. I slam the door shut and get make a longer story shorter ~ turns out that snake had a deadly reaction to lead!!!
Two days ago I go out to the coop, knowing I just saw a couple of the hens nesting and expecting eggs... again there were no eggs in the nest so again I look to the left and there is an even BIGGER snake than the last one draped along the wall and the roost and the floor... it had to be six feet long!! Black and gold, it looked like the same kind as the last snake!
This time there is no help.....hubby is off working out of town. I slam the door to the coop and run and get a shovel and my pistol because if I were to get a bigger gun I'd probably destroy the coop!!!!
It was gone when I got back. That shovel is still sitting next to the coop door.... I don't think I've seen the last of him.
I think I have ID'd the snake, a Diamond Back Water Snake. It looks like a rattler sort of and the tale was even shaking like a rattler but no sound! But his head is much smaller.