Close Julia but mine has only very faintly pink white flowers; nothing so dark. also very 'thready' in form, not so lush as your picture shows. Other than that.... lol. It generally isn't the -40 (we only get down to maybe -25 and that not so often) that defeats me mostly; it is too much moisture, at least for these plants. They are less than lovely coming out of winter in a big yukky clump that looks dead. I just left it this year and there it grew. Others may have grown also had I just left them alone.
My garden has lots of flowers but looks rather like a jungle -- not at all well planned. I want to move many things to better spots but just not up for it now. Maybe in another four weeks or so. I hoped to move things so they could re-establish roots before all sets in. I may just have to crawl out there and just do it as I can.