Aug 9, 2014 2:03 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Charlie
Aurora, Ontario (Zone 5b)
Maintenance of Perennial Beds.
Love your multi-plant photo, Susie.
Very pretty.
Also love the inclusion of the plant tags.
Aug 9, 2014 2:21 PM CST
Name: Susie
Leonard, Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Annuals Herbs Heucheras Canning and food preservation Irises Lilies
Region: Minnesota Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Sedums Seed Starter Vegetable Grower
Thanks so much Charlie! I like the plant tags on the multi-plant photo's too, it helps me remember where things are planted when I'm planning things in the winter. When I look at other people's multi-plant pictures I really like having the names so if I see something I really like and would like to try, the name is right there. Smiling
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