If you're adding a species, enter the name of the genus and the name of the species on the "Accepted botanical name" line. If you want to add a common name for the species, please initial cap all parts of the common name (Great Stonecrop, not Great stonecrop or great stonecrop).
If you're adding a cultivar, you must fill in the name of the genus and the name of the cultivar. The system will not accept proposals omitting the genus name.
Please do not enclose the cultivar name in quote marks. Please initial cap all parts of the cultivar name (Cape Fear, not Cape fear or cape fear).
Follow the general rules of capitalization when you add hyphenated common names or cultivar names. Initial cap every element unless it's a short preposition, article, or conjunction (Forget-Me-Not has all elements initial capped, whereas Love-in-a-Mist has only two elements initial capped).
This next thing is not a common error, but I have seen it several times: The "Cultivar" line is for the name of the cultivar, not the name of the hybridizer.
In most cases, the name of the genus and the name of the cultivar are all you need for the proposal. You can add a species and a common name if you wish, of course.
In most cases, you should leave the "Trade Name" and "Series" lines blank, unless you're adding a plant with a trade name or trade series name followed by a trademark symbol.
Red Mountain® is a trade name. Enter Red Mountain® on the "Trade Name" line. The cultivar name is Psdold. If you can't find the cultivar name of a plant with a trade name, just enter the trade name without the trademark symbol (in this case, Red Mountain) on the "Cultivar" line.
Ice Plant (Delosperma dyeri Red Mountain®)
Fireball™ Red is an example of a trade series name and a trade name. Enter Fireball™ on the "Series" line and Red on the "Trade Name" line. The cultivar name in this case is Supa930. These cultivar names are often difficult to find, so you can enter Fireball Red as the cultivar name (without the trademark symbol).
Marguerite Daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens Fireball™ Red)