As a comment about Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora), mom2goldens wrote:

I think this is the most fragrant of the "lemon scented" plants. This year, with a cool/rainy summer in partial shade, my lemon verbena grew into a shrub-sized plant. I highly recommend using this plant in cooking: It makes a wonderful jelly, simple syrup, Ice cream, and flavored sugar. Dry the leaves for a wonderful addition to your potpourri. Definitely worth growing for its wonderful aroma.

I've found this a very difficult plant to overwinter. It does not like to be moved or uprooted, and will lose most/all of its leaves.
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Sep 21, 2014 10:58 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Treehugger
Hanover Twp, PA (Zone 6a)
Region: United States of America Region: Northeast US Region: Pennsylvania Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Herbs
Enjoys or suffers cold winters Bee Lover Hostas Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Frogs and Toads Hummingbirder
I agree with you about the fragrance. I have some drying in a wire basket now for winter use. I cut mine back covering the plant with a large mound of oak foliage for the winter and sometimes it comes back from the root and sometimes I have to buy another plant. However I do take cuttings which root with no trouble to have small plants with fresh foliage all winter.
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