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Oct 26, 2010 5:52 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Cj
Iowa (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Region: Iowa Hostas Daylilies Sempervivums
Lilies Garden Art Sedums Ferns Hellebores Heucheras
Tell us who you are, what type of gardening you like to do, how long you've been gardening, where?
A short description, introduction, then move on over to the other threads (or start a new one of your own).
Last edited by AlwaysWeeding Jul 22, 2011 4:15 PM Icon for preview
Oct 26, 2010 9:08 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Cj
Iowa (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Region: Iowa Hostas Daylilies Sempervivums
Lilies Garden Art Sedums Ferns Hellebores Heucheras
I am AlwaysWeeding (CJ).
I don't do veggies, but have many flowers, hostas, etc. in my 1/2 acre yard. I have alot of Lilies, Daylilies, and Hosta, but have a wide variety of perennials, bushes, seedums and other plants. I have been gardening for more than 40 years, most extensively in the past 20.
I share the garden with as many people as I can "burden" with plants when they come visit. My dogs "help" digging holes and chasing varmits. Hilarious!
I have a 6 ft. fence to keep out the deer (working so far). If I hadn't fenced, I would have had to give up gardening.
I started this cubit to help gardeners share general gardening info, and organize gatherings for our region (everyone is welcome to come - wherever you live, though).
Oct 27, 2010 7:11 AM CST
Name: Christine
Southeastern MN (Zone 4a)
Heucheras Garden Ideas: Level 2 Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! I sent a postcard to Randy! Garden Ideas: Level 1
Region: Minnesota Hostas Keeps Horses Birds Farmer Daylilies
I am Christine27360 (Christine - sorry for the boring name - LOL)
I, like CJ, do not do veggies as I have organic food farmers for next door neighbors. So I can get veggies anytime, plus I hate to cook. Hilarious!
My addiction started with a neighbor giving me 5 Hostas in 2005 which I split into 25 clumps and it expanded rapidly from there. I now have 180 different varieties of Hostas. This past year I added Daylilies to my addiction and thanks to all my enabling Cubits friend I now have about 120 different varieties of Daylilies. I also have other perenials as companion plants. My stock is young as I have only been seriously gardening for 5 years. But when they all get big enough, look out as I will have a good variety to share.
Other than gardening I love to take pics -- my other obsession. Mostly of the kids but I do get a few nature, scenic etc pics in as well. Still learning about the features of the camera.... it takes awhile. Blinking
I live in SE Minnesota and live on 60 acres. We raise Beef cattle and have about 12 Quarter Horses as well.... and lots of other farm critters. I have 3 children (15, 13 and 8) that keep me busy and a full time job as well (Systems Analyst).
So in my spare time I try to sleep. Thumbs up
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
2 Corinthians 9:6
Avatar for Ridesredmule
Oct 27, 2010 8:06 AM CST
Name: Charleen
Alford, Florida (Zone 8a)
Be Safe.
Miniature Gardening Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! I sent a postcard to Randy! Tip Photographer I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member
Mules Garden Ideas: Level 2 Sempervivums Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: United States of America Beekeeper
Christine is not a boring name, it is beautiful.
My name is Charleen and I live in Georgia. I have a big red mule name Charley, 3 donkeys, 4 dogs, and chickens. I have about 20 altogether. 3 in th front yward 1, a baby rescued and one more running around in pasture dodging the longears.
I grow brugs, desertrose, daylilies, iris, peony, I love plants so got a lot of different kinds.
No children, just furry, feathery, finny kids. Thumb of 2010-10-27/Ridesredmule/14f7f4
Oct 27, 2010 8:22 AM CST
Name: Dahlianut
Calgary, AB Zone 3a
NE Alumni
Garden Ideas: Level 2 Charter ATP Member Seed Starter Region: Canadian Irises Daylilies
Lilies Bulbs Garden Art Birds Hummingbirder Region: Northeast US
Hi I'm Dahlianut Smiling I'm a little northwest of mid-west but I'm hopin' you won't mind me poppin in to visit and learn I'm all ears!
Oct 27, 2010 8:38 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Cj
Iowa (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Region: Iowa Hostas Daylilies Sempervivums
Lilies Garden Art Sedums Ferns Hellebores Heucheras
Everybody is welcome - join in the chat anytime!
Oct 27, 2010 4:18 PM CST
Name: Maridell
Sioux City IA (Zone 4b)
enjoy the moment
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Tip Photographer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Level 2 Region: United States of America
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Hi, Maridell here. Christine "merigold" is a boring name - I have you beat ha, ha!

I started gardening about 10 years ago when my husband and I bought our home. Prior to that we both spent our adult lives in apartment place for plants except a couple containers.

There were no perennials here to speak of when we moved in. We have added some small flower beds under trees and a small garden in the middle of the back yard (all kinds of flowers in there along with some herbs) that WAS hot and sunny until the trees got so HUGE. So now I have sun plants that don't get so much sun. One of our trees however, is slowly dying. We had it looked at and it will need to be removed in the next couple I'll get my sun back! An area along the back side of the house has space for planting but so many things have died there, I hate to put anything special there...
Oct 27, 2010 7:59 PM CST
Name: Dennis Szurgot
Topsham, Maine
You can't unscramble scramble eggs
Hi all,
My name is Dennis and my handle is DASH : My initials with an H for the Heck of it. I live in southern Maine and have enjoyed gardening for about 20 years. Eleven years ago we built on 11/2 acre of land and I've been slowly landscaping it since. I started to get interested in hosta about 3 yrs ago (lots of shade) and have about 275 and am planning on growing quite a few from seed this winter. Thanks CJ for the new thread I really enjoy hearing others thoughts and ideas.
Oct 27, 2010 9:45 PM CST
Name: Rose Rairie
Chicago, IL & Benton KY
My name is Rose and I live in Chicago where I cram as much as I can in my postage stamp size garden. I even have 5 chickens! Right now I'm interested in dwarf conifers and heucheras but have a nice collection of hostas and daylilies. I want to do more veggie gardening, but don't have much room. I tried container gardening for veggies and flowers and that was interesting. Now I am getting ready to do some wintersowing in November & December.
Don't wear perfume in the garden unless you want to be pollinated!
Oct 28, 2010 8:54 AM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Hi, I'm Diann aka Ticker. I've been around for a long time... Smiling I'm glad to see people joining in on the fun! Smiling
Oct 30, 2010 3:32 PM CST
Name: Kay
Lincoln, Nebraska
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Hi all! Kay the Gardener in Lincoln Nebraska. I love to garden for myself and others. I work for a landscaping co. as the maintenance supervisor, and do a bit of work on the side, mostly for sweet little ladies with small spaces.
I am mostly into shade gardening, because of my big, mature trees. I love Hostas, as well as Heucheras, Astilbe, Brunnera, Soloman's Seal, Ferns, Bleeding Heart, and on and on...
2010 has been an awesome gardening year for me.
However, I am now having separation anxiety over my plants going into dormancy. Sad
Nov 2, 2010 4:10 AM CST
Name: Arlene Marshall
Twin Lakes, IA & Orange, CA
Zone 4B
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
We live on a lake in North Central Iowa. Our houses are close together so our gardens are small and full. We've grown heirloom tomatoes at a farm 9 miles from here since 2006. This year was such a bad year for growing tomatoes, I decided to pull up stakes and make room to grow them right here next year. The green beans were nice this year.

We have a raised bed beside the driveway. I am having to give up lilies, iris and daylilies to make room for tomatoes. I also cut down a tree to have full sun. Hilarious! When the snow flies, I start whittling down the list of what we can grow. We may have room for 20 plants compared to the eighty we grew this year.

We have a few hostas and mostly mini's due to the size restriction here.

We started an Annual May Get-Together 8 years ago with 12 people and it has grown to as many as 55 attending. It will be held in Boone, Iowa for the next two years. It has been held in Chariton, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and here at my house near Manson, Iowa.

What we do is different every year. Thanks to Moby's suggestion, we even changed our name this year to G.I.G. And that is very appropriate because it is quite a GIG! We have had talks on growing Tropical plants in the MidWest, growing Roses, Hosta Workshops, Lily Worshops, Hammered Botanical Prints . . . last year, my cousins came and spoke . . . they are master story tellers. We had a tour of a Kaleidoscope Factory. We're always uncovering Iowa's little secrets. Laura even taught us how to tat which is almost a lost art. We have many extremely talented friends. Last year we even had a ride around the lake in a beautiful trolley.

Door Prizes are always popular; many of them are hand made by the people who donate them. Depending on the location, there are new nurseries to visit and antique shops to visit.

We are also a very sharing group. The Plant Swap always brings plenty of plants to share with everyone. Individual trades are arranged ahead of time. So the Plant Swap turns into a free-for-all event. Moby organized that last year.

And, of course, there is always Food, which is my passion. merigold has been in charge of that the last two years and has graciously agreed to take on the task again this year.

I am owner of the cubit, Yum Yum Divas and you'll find me there most of the time, putting in recipes, writing articles, and answering your cooking questions. I also frequent Homemaker's Haven. Candyce keeps me in line there with maintaining the household. She's a good taskmaster. I lurk a lot at the Hosta, Lily, Iris, Daylily, & Tomato cubits as well as reading at the Tea Party cubit.

This week we are working on nailing down the exact date and will be letting you know that as soon as possible. Last year, the week-end of our gathering was the opening day of the Boone Scenic Valley Railroad & Museum. nannybee (Nancy) is contacting them this week to be sure they will be open next year for our week-end. We won't post a date until they assure us they will be open for us.
Here is the link:

Other nearby attractions are the Butterfly Wing at Rieman Gardens at Iowa State University in Ames. We highly suggest you catch that. I was a docent there for about 4 years and it is amazing to walk through. We also have the Iowa Arboretum nearby.

Stay tuned as we solidify the plans for May 2011; considered yourselves welcomed and thoroughly hugged.


Trolly has arrived and people are starting to board
Thumb of 2010-11-02/TwinLakesChef/e9e3e2
Yum Yum Divas ~ ~ \"Most recipes are not invention . . . but evolutions\"
Nov 5, 2010 5:50 AM CST
Name: Cheryl
NE Cedar Rapids
Nov 5, 2010 6:02 AM CST
Name: Cheryl
NE Cedar Rapids
Hi all,

I am Cheryl and I live With Rob, my hubby of 36 years, and three cats in Cedar Rapids. I enjoy being part of Gardeners Anonymous, Good Earth Garden Club, and Friends of Noelridge.

On our rather small chemical free lot, I grow a lot of vegetables, herbs and edible flowers, plus perennials, hostas, Spring flowering bulbs, small fruits, etc. I terraced my north facing back yard to make better use of the space thanks to a lot of utility easements. I am working to build several more gardens including a rain garden and a memorial garden to our only daughter Hannah who died in an automobile accident in April 2010. I use rain barrels and I have compost worms indoors as well as a compost "factory" outdoors. I would love to have a greenhouse, but for now I grow my heirloom tomato plants under lights in the basement.

I love cooking with my variety of home grown garlics, plus all of the other produce. I am learning lactic fermented vegetable preservation and am planning to build a root cellar in the basement. I shop for sources of organically grown, pasture raised meats, poultry, dairy and eggs.

I also love to knit and crochet

When life gets sane I will be writing on my blog much more faithfully: http://greatbackyardexperiment...
Nov 5, 2010 9:09 AM CST
Name: Kay
Lincoln, Nebraska
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Cheryl, I think it is so special that you are creating a memorial garden to honor your Daughter.
We have a small grove of Aspen and Pine trees as a memorial to my Dad at our cabin near Estes Park Co.
He passed away in 1993, the trees are getting big now, and we have added a flagstone area for seating and a small flower bed.
It's a nice place to sit and "be" with Dad, as he loved it there.
Nov 5, 2010 9:40 AM CST
Name: Terese
Central Florida, (Zone 9b)
Wisconsin Dells Area, zone4
Bee Lover Butterflies Cat Lover Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!

Terese here aka tcs1366

lifelong midwesterner

I live outside Chicago -- my main residence 6 months out of the year

Rose - how is it you have chickens in Chicago??

and I have a summer place / live in an RV Park 6 months out of the year.

at home, I have plenty of sunshine, so i cottage garden
in Wisc i have shade... so i grow Hostas. I dont have as many as most of you hostaholics ... but a good 80 named, and few handfuls of NoIDs.

married - almost 25 yrs. 1 dog Buddy, 1 cat Charlie. 1 kid at home - age 20, 1 kid moved out - age 23.

Life is good.
Terese --Leesburg, FL & Lake Delton, Wi

Nov 5, 2010 10:43 AM CST
Name: Cheryl
NE Cedar Rapids
chickadee said:Cheryl, I think it is so special that you are creating a memorial garden to honor your Daughter.
We have a small grove of Aspen and Pine trees as a memorial to my Dad at our cabin near Estes Park Co.
He passed away in 1993, the trees are getting big now, and we have added a flagstone area for seating and a small flower bed.
It's a nice place to sit and "be" with Dad, as he loved it there.

That is my home away from home and I want my ashes scattered from Rainbow Curve on Trail Ridge Road in the park.
Nov 5, 2010 11:45 AM CST
Name: Arlene Marshall
Twin Lakes, IA & Orange, CA
Zone 4B
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Welcome Terese and Cheryl. Good to find you here.
Yum Yum Divas ~ ~ \"Most recipes are not invention . . . but evolutions\"
Avatar for Diamond919
Nov 5, 2010 1:12 PM CST
Name: Anita Crusoe
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Love forgives all wrongs.
Charter ATP Member
Hello! I'm Anita from Indiana. I enjoy a variety of plants and flowers. I think I get the most enjoyment growing things from seed.
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.
Nov 5, 2010 2:40 PM CST
Name: Terese
Central Florida, (Zone 9b)
Wisconsin Dells Area, zone4
Bee Lover Butterflies Cat Lover Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Hey Anita... gittn' ready for another WS season?? Something to help pass those dreary winter days.
Terese --Leesburg, FL & Lake Delton, Wi

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