Oh, perfect! Thank you all, this is just the kind of information I need.
@Lilydaydreamer Lisa, thanks for the links; I did look at the links connected with this forum, and have read a few things here and there, but it's time to get Serious.
As for planting outside, what I will likely do is sow a few in small pots, but they will be outside simply due to lack of appropriate places inside. And then later I will wintersow the bulk of them. (Unless I have a humongous amount of some kind of seeds, that are very high germination rate, I don't generally sow anything directly in the ground, it's just too dang iffy! )
@seedfork, that is all super reassuring. Honestly, the mystery of what blooms will look like, and that they may even change from year to year, is part of the appeal.
@Xenacrockett Pat, LOL! No, these are highly intelligent seeds, I feel quite sure.
Okay, another question, regarding pollination and crossing: When I moved in here one of the main things blooming was a bunch of those big orange ditchlilies. I enjoy those and think they're gorgeous but for various reasons I ended up lifting a ton of them up and replanting some. Some I potted up, many I just clunked the chunks in a holding box to see if I ever come up with what to do with them! Lordy those things are prolific!
My question is, having those growing close to these hybrids, will everything eventually end up looking like the ditchlilies??? (GAH!)
But it's a serious question. Should I minimize cross-pollination chances with those big orange guys? Or does it not pose that much of a "takeover" threat?