Jul 13, 2011 1:58 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: woodthrush
Albrightsville PA
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Lilies Region: Northeast US Birds
Sempervivums Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: United States of America Hostas Heucheras Garden Art
About 20 of these fit to a regular flat rate box $12.65
Minimum 10 plant purchase

Autumn Delight $2.85 - 3" cup
Autumn Charm (Lajos) $2.85 - 3" cup
Elsie's Gold $2.85 3" cup
Purple Emperor - $2.10 3" cup
Brilliant $2.00 - 2" cup
Chocolate Ball $3.50 - 3" pot
Spurium Tricolor $2.10 2 1/2" pot
Larinem Park 2.00 2" cup
Vera Jameson $2.00 2" cup
Neon 2.10 2" cup
Matrona 2.10 2" cup
Bertram Anderson 2.10 2" cup
Autumn Fire $2.45 3"cup
Autumn Joy $2.45 3" cup
Frosty Morn $2.45 3" cup
T. Rex 2.59 - bare root
Sunset Cloud 2.59 - bare root

New - Plants for Sale - co-op prices
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