Other than finally planting the peonies that I did not get planted last fall I am trying to find plants that will hold the soil but not bother the peonies. With the rains we have been having the soil loss is starting to become a problem. The new storm sewers that were put in a block away have been overflowing. Since I am down hill water pools then runs off along with the soil where I had been using wood chip mulch. I am trying to think of it as green mulch. Some of the older areas the peonies are planted so that little sunlight gets between the plants so the ground is bare. But other areas I am going to add strawberry plants, more thyme and try some of the ornamental oregano's. It appears that I will have to break my habit of purchasing just one or two plants of one kind and letting mother nature spread them. So I am on the hunt for plants. In the old bed I may just resort to large rocks under the plants.
I do have last falls trimmings to chip up and use but very little is available. Since I am cheap, except for peonies, I use what ever I have rather than buying things.
Ticker, those peonies are beautiful! I do hope they bloom in time this year. Hard to believe I will have blooms in about a month. Seems like they are coming up late this year.
The best time to divide a peony is in September through early November. If you just want a chunk off it to give to someone you wouldn't necessarily have to dig the entire peony, just put a spade down through the area you want to divide off and dig that piece out. Again, this is best done in September through early November.
Sept. is a good time. Thank you. got a tree peony from Maajack and it has bloomed. I picked off the bloom when it wilted to help it go ahead and make roots. It is cute little thing. got it planted out in the sun. Now the Oriental is in partial shade and does great. here is the bloom.
Thank you for the speedy answer.