Each year the Adelmans allow our volkswalk club to host a walk at their peony business in Brooks, Oregon. There are two walks: one is 10K, about 6.2 miles. This one traversed the display gardens and growing fields, then on country roads to Mid America Iris Gardens and Sebright Hostas (co-located). There is also a shorter walk, 6K or just under four miles. It traversed the display gardens and then out on mostly different country roads from the 10K.
This year the Adelmans were off gallivanting at some convention in Wisconsin while we merrily tromped around their digs here.
I arrived late on Saturday afternoon as I had volunteered to walk the 6K and remove all of the trail marker (ribbons) and signs that guided a total of 200 walkers for the day. I have to tell you, I was number 200. My co-members were anxiously awaiting my arrival, wondering if I was going to cop out on them. They like that nice even 200 number and did not want it to be 199!!
Coming down Brooklake Road it is impossible to miss Adelman's when the peonies are in bloom! Of all days, the sun shown all day. Lots of rain the day before and the day after. It was our lucky day!