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Feb 1, 2010 11:45 AM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
The convention is at Rotary Gardens in Janesville, Wi. The dates are June 4-6th.

Won’t you join us
for the American Peony Society’s Annual Convention?

Spend a long weekend in Wisconsin enjoying these events and more:
"Picnic in the Park"—Enjoy a casual supper while socializing on Thursday evening.
Tour and lunch at Klehm’s Song Sparrow Nursery on Friday, includes round trip transportation from the convention hotel. There will be ample time to tour the peony fields and shop the 65 greenhouses.
The Rotary Gardens will be open to convention-goers at no additional expense.
Attend three educational seminars on Saturday.
1:00 pm–Seminar I: Mark Dwyer, Rotary Gardens Director of Horticulture—“Companion Plants for Peonies”. Mark will discuss a wide range of plants that work well as companion plants for peonies.
2:15 pm–Seminar II: Harvey Buchite, APS President and owner of Hidden Springs Flower Farm—“The Best Fragrant Peonies”. Near the top of many gardeners’ lists for deciding which peonies to add to their gardens is fragrance. Over 70 peony varieties are discussed and rated for fragrance.
3:30 pm–Seminar III: Roy Klehm, owner of Klehm’s Sparrow Song Farm and Nursery—“Down Peony Lane” which will include a segment on rock garden peonies.
Dinner and a test of your bidding skills on Saturday evening. Along with APS’ Annual Banquet, there will be two auctions. Bid on rare tree peonies, Itoh hybrids and other plants, plus a select group of peony-related items.
Plus, “Open Gardens” in the Janesville area—list and map provided.
All events listed included in the $100.00 registration fee!

Feb 2, 2010 9:43 AM CST
Name: Carolyn Lamb
Indiana zone 6b
Laugh and the World laughs with you
OH I just wonder if I can save my money? LOL I would love to got to the convention.
Feb 9, 2010 10:04 AM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
The convention sounds like a lot of fun. It's not every day that you get a chance to tour Roy Klehm's peony fields. It sounds amazing!
Feb 9, 2010 7:10 PM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
It's not everyday you even get to visit Song Sparrow Nurseries!
May 19, 2010 7:25 AM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
Is anybody planning on attending the convention? I haven't received confirmation yet, but am planning on attending as everything is in and set.

One of the most exciting things to me is touring Klehm's peony fields. I can hardly wait!

Anybody else?
Avatar for Alana
May 19, 2010 3:56 PM CST

Just remember most groups that visit generally have opportunities to purchase plants. Or so I have been told. There will be a chance to bid on various plants and other items after the dinner. If you register now you may find the cost is $120 rather than the original $100. I don't know when the cutoff is.
May 19, 2010 5:05 PM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
I did receive confirmation today, so I'm in Smiling

I attend a local Hardy Plant society's tour of Klehm's each year, but I am saving my spree for the peony day this year. You bet you can buy plants there. It can be pretty overwhelming, but let's just say it's all worth it! I pre-shop the catalog so I can narrow things down. Their greenhouses are amazing and I can't believe what care goes into their plants. The best I have seen anywhere. No kidding.
May 20, 2010 6:00 AM CST
Name: Chris
Ripon, Wisconsin
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Seller of Garden Stuff I sent a postcard to Randy!
Sempervivums Sedums Region: Wisconsin Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Avid Green Pages Reviewer
I agree Klehms is awesome. All their plants!
May 20, 2010 2:45 PM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
I would love to go, but I don't get to. I'm the only person in the office that Friday and so....
Avatar for Alana
May 20, 2010 7:51 PM CST

Diann, tell your office that you must have vacation next year for the APS meeting in Wilsonville, Oregon. Try to come several days earlier to go shopping and see lots of all kinds of plants growing in the field.
May 20, 2010 8:42 PM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Oh lord don't tempt me...
May 21, 2010 7:32 AM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
They say Oregon is the best place to see just about any plant, peony, lilies, iris, roses.....
Avatar for Alana
May 21, 2010 7:56 AM CST

I have been going to the PNW society meeting the first Saturday in March. There are great places to feed your habit in the area. The two places I have wanted to go to Thyme Gardens and Forest Farm do not open that early in the year. I am hoping to visit???? both next year. Forest Farm is on the way to Heirloom Roses. Heirloom Roses do rooted cuttings of all kinds of roses. The plants are small but some it is only place you can purchase. Kind of expensive for size $16 something but very healthy and 12 can be packed in a medium sized suitcase.
May 21, 2010 9:03 AM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
I want to go to this years convention so bad that I can taste it. However, it is probably not going to happen. *sigh* I'll just have to live vicariously through both of your minute by minute posts to me. Smiling LOL

I'd love to know whats going to be auctioned off on Saturday night...
May 21, 2010 9:55 AM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
Alana you sound you have the whole suitcase thing figured out Smiling

Diann are you sure you aren't going to be kidnapped Friday June 4? I hear there are some strange, strange folks out your way. That would be ashame now, wouldn't it. I believe the folks are called the giant peony bandits. What do you know about them? Whistling
May 21, 2010 10:51 AM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Unfortunately, my Board of Directors is haven't a retreat in my building for most of the day and so, I best darn well be here if I want to ever be able to afford another peony or anything else again. *sigh*
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May 21, 2010 4:20 PM CST

You would have to talk to Claudia but I know some people only come for Saturday and the dinner. I don't think you would be able to bid on any plants but we could work something out if you wish.
May 21, 2010 5:10 PM CST
Name: Diann
Lisbon, IA
Charter ATP Member Cat Lover Hostas Region: Iowa Lilies Peonies
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Tempting, very very tempting. I'll think about it. Smiling
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