I was reading some thread where someone else said they have not seen any adds. Sorry I do not know what thread it was any more, but I also have not seen a single add, and I have been here at least twice a day for a week now,and on several forms.
This is not a complaint just an observation.
I think that was it I asked my DH and he said it was probably my add block Plus , he did something and I now see ads.
Sorry for the bother I am rather computer challenged
I added Ad Block Plus to Chrome as well and lost the ads in the right column. They were not bothersome, so I am trying to find a way to get them back, but not the annoying ones I was seeing elsewhere.
Pat there should be a picture of a wrench in your upper left screen, you can click on that and then go to options, then 'under the hood' then, 'content settings' under 'plug-ins' is a link to enable or disable plug ins... you should be able to disable your adblocker there
All the coffee in Columbia will never make me a morning person!
I don't mind these ads. Not like the ones gardenweb has where they drop down over what you are reading. I like that they are local to my area too. The ads help support the site, so click on them
occasionally and check them out.