The Amaryllis Plant for the Brown-Thumbed Gardener

By PAgirl63
January 24, 2015

I've always had a "brown" thumb when it comes to growing amaryllises. Either I'll grow plants that have lush green leaves and no flowers, or the bulbs will just sit there and sulk. Or even worse, the bulbs turn to mush or they just shrivel up. This year I cheated and had success!

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Jan 24, 2015 1:05 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Donna King
Selmer, TN (Southern West TN) (Zone 7b)
Hummingbirder Garden Ideas: Master Level
Jane, they are beautiful! What does it matter how you grew them, they grew & bloomed! Wow! Love them!
The Hooterville Hillbilly @ Hummingbird Hill
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