I hope we can bring this thread back to life. i need all the help I can get.
I have been propagating and selling Holiday/Christmas Cactus for years and have always complained I can not start AVs. I got some information from a dear lady and i found an old AV plant my daughter had that looked half dead and i took some leaves (3)....I gave up on them but kept them in the medium and my goodness, two out of the three have babies. I am 84 and as long as they take to have little ones, I am not sure if I will ever see me growing too many of them.
I am now the proud owner of a few young AVs and a few streps. I am really excited about this new venture but i do need help in making sure my new babies are transplanted and grow. i will send picrtures if this thread is still alive. Wake up gals and guys, this old lady needs help.