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Jul 17, 2011 10:07 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Anyone else here growing AV's and gessies? I'm a newby at it since April, but its going pretty think! Whistling

I'll start the pictures off with Strep 'Texas Hot Chilli'
Thumb of 2011-07-18/Steven/5540ec
Jul 18, 2011 7:49 AM CST
Name: Lee Anne Stark
Brockville, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5a)
Perpetually happy!
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Nice Strep!! I can't grow them to save my life for some reason....what's your secret?

I do have quite a few Episcias....and am currently "watching" a few on ebay Big Grin
Jul 18, 2011 9:47 AM CST
Name: Christine
NY zone 5a
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She's a beauty Steven Smiling
Jul 18, 2011 10:47 AM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
One thing that definitely helps with growing them is lights, I finally got a stand Big Grin Also water just as it begins to dry and thats all I really do.......and bottom water buts thats it really. I was feeding with every water but the blooms started getting all deformed Rolling my eyes.

Lee Anne, whats the name of the seller on ebay? I wonder if its the same one I've bought from. I bought an Episcia a while back at Rona and it finally bloomed, I think its E. lilacina Big Grin

Thanks Christine!
Jul 18, 2011 7:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Heres a close up of 'Wild Irish Rose', the foliage is as pretty as the flowers!
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Jul 29, 2011 8:59 PM CST
Name: Laura Hettenhausen
Highland, IL
Zone 5/6
Charter ATP Member Container Gardener Dog Lover Plant and/or Seed Trader
I have cut back on my gessies a lot! LOL I have 2 streps, one is called big yoke the other is asiago. I have about 4-5 asst. AV's types, one russian one trailer. If you are wanting any cuttings let me know. It's wayyy to hot to ship any right now, but if you want a couple of leaves in sept let me know
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Jul 31, 2011 9:38 AM CST
Name: Eileen
Palm Bay, FL
Charter ATP Member Butterflies Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Sempervivums
Plumerias Orchids Region: Florida Dog Lover Container Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Texas Hot Chili. Great bloom. I gave up on streps. I can't grow them at all. I just seem to kill them. One of these days I'll try again. Right now I am just sticking to African Violets and Hoya. I have about a dozen violets and I'm just waiting for blooms.
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Aug 6, 2011 2:17 PM CST

Hey Laura and Eileen!! Haven't seen you in a minute Hilarious! Eileen, how is that "painting project" coming along? You need to send me some pics so I can ooohhh and aaahhh.

I grow several different types of Gessies (Gesneriads). They are finicky. Most are under lights but I have some growing in natural sunlight.
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Aug 7, 2011 1:51 PM CST
Name: Eileen
Palm Bay, FL
Charter ATP Member Butterflies Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Sempervivums
Plumerias Orchids Region: Florida Dog Lover Container Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
aspenjocop, painting never got off the ground. I tried, but don't have a talent for painting. I still have all the instructions and mat try to tackle it again one day. Right now I'm trying to concentrate on my plants. LOL
Aug 7, 2011 2:12 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Right now I'm having a problem with humidity..... Glare The AC has been on for what seems like weeks now and the gessies are starting to show it. The streps and some of the others are getting yellow leaves so I'm working on getting the humidity back up.

So far I've found Kohleria grows better in natural light where it also gets misted along with the other plants in that area....they didn't do very well under lights.

Thanks for the offer Laura Big Grin I'm just in the process of potting alot of them up so I'll have to see if there is any room left.... Whistling
Aug 7, 2011 6:55 PM CST
Name: Laura Hettenhausen
Highland, IL
Zone 5/6
Charter ATP Member Container Gardener Dog Lover Plant and/or Seed Trader
I was using lights, but it just took up a lot of space. What I have now is in windows. Currently I hae Big Yolk blooming, only problem is, when I got it, it was the correct color, then it didn't bloom for a very long time, now its dark purple? huh... just my luck! LOL Good thing my favorite color is purple! I did a round robin a long time ago with leaves, whew, I had little pots all over the place!! My husband thought I'd done gone and lost my mind! They make great little gifts.

If you decide you have room, just let me know.
Aug 7, 2011 9:21 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
It changed colour? I've never heard of that before but as long as you like the new colour Hilarious! Right now Texas Hot Chilli is blooming and Charlotte is going to bloom soon too. I'm putting most of my mini sinningias in terrariums and such since they aren't doing so well just on the shelf..its amazing what the extra humidity can do for them!
Aug 10, 2011 1:55 PM CST
Name: Laura Hettenhausen
Highland, IL
Zone 5/6
Charter ATP Member Container Gardener Dog Lover Plant and/or Seed Trader
Yes, it did change colors, I did a bit of checking with a really nice gal that use to be on Dave's that knows a lot about them, and she said that Big Yolk doesn't always bloom true, darn it!!

I had a sinningia, killed the poor thing! I am now thinking, yep you are correct with the humidity. We have a lot of humidity in the summer, but the winter with the heater on, it gets dry in the house. whoopsie poopsie!
Aug 10, 2011 9:07 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
We've had the AC on for quite a few weeks now with the heat so I've added a few humidity trays and am keeping the tarp over the self to hold the warmth/moisture in. Hopefully it helps a bit.
Aug 23, 2011 8:51 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Sinningia 'Glory Be' Lovey dubby

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Aug 23, 2011 10:10 PM CST
Name: Maria
Akron OH
can't live without plants!
Container Gardener Irises Region: Ohio Seed Starter Plant and/or Seed Trader Tropicals
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
She's lovely Steven, I fell in love with sinn's last year and have only a few minis. Even got a leucotricha from seed! Do you grow yours covered?
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Aug 28, 2011 9:21 PM CST
Thread OP
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader
Garden Ideas: Level 1 Seed Starter Roses Orchids Container Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Yours look so happy in that bowl Maria! I grow some of mine covered, 'Glory Be' is growing in a glass bowl that is open at the top and it's doing ok, but another 'Lisa' is in an enclosed terarrium and is very lush and green. Other minis I have are 'Gabriels Horn' amd 'Deep Purple Dreaming'
Jun 8, 2013 4:53 AM CST
Name: Jacquie (JB) Berger
Wrightstown, New Jersey (Zone 6b)

Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: United States of America Region: New Jersey Houseplants Container Gardener
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I hope we can bring this thread back to life. i need all the help I can get. Blinking I have been propagating and selling Holiday/Christmas Cactus for years and have always complained I can not start AVs. I got some information from a dear lady and i found an old AV plant my daughter had that looked half dead and i took some leaves (3)....I gave up on them but kept them in the medium and my goodness, two out of the three have babies. I am 84 and as long as they take to have little ones, I am not sure if I will ever see me growing too many of them. Rolling on the floor laughing
I am now the proud owner of a few young AVs and a few streps. I am really excited about this new venture but i do need help in making sure my new babies are transplanted and grow. i will send picrtures if this thread is still alive. Wake up gals and guys, this old lady needs help. Hilarious!
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