I am a hostaholic living in a very arid climate but skating along by the skin of my teeth with basically only one oak tree to shelter all my collection of over 400 hostas each different in one way or another from each other. I only have about 300 of them in pots on shelves on our patio under the oak and we certainly enjoy being surrounded by their beauty. In a computer crash I think I have lost all my photos of them in years past but will post pictures this summer.
I am also a pond fool and have three ponds and really want lots more but the herons and kingfisher ate us out of the koi raising and showing business. :o( Right now only one pond seems to be safe from the birds but I hesitate to even say that. We have about 30 different water lilies which we sell locally and I have traded a few off over the years but decided that I really hate to ship them.
Oh yeah I LOVE to talk a lot when I get on here but seldom have time during the day to visit with anyone online. I am almost totally a nightowl and busy during the day light hours.
You can call me Lani (lawn E) or Nancy I go by either one and a few other names I won't talk about here. lol
Name: Teresa Felty Barrow South central KY (Zone 6b) SONGBIRD GARDENS
Ticker, have you sent an invite to the regular hosta addicts on the other site? I have enjoyed viewing so many wonderful pics over the years? I hope more join in here.
It is so good to run into so many I've known before! Polly I use to live in Canandaigua, NY so I know what things look like there right now!
I'm partial to the medium size and up hostas. I had some small ones but felt they needed to be in troughs in order not to be overlooked.
Ticker with each passing month things get more and more stable for me. I have high hopes that 2011 will be a far better year for me than 2009 was .
Will you guys be selling hostas or doing co-ops here? I've been off DG for about 8 or 9 months and haven't checked since I got back to see if the co-ops were still being run there. I will be needing EON markers later this spring for one thing!
Name: Terese Central Florida, (Zone 9b) Wisconsin Dells Area, zone4
yea -- they closed up last Aug. many of us rain over there for the 'going out of bus. sale'
there is a thread on Daves that link to a "local news" article. Seems there were lawsuits and what-not. When I was talking to Linda she was saying that they were getting grief from the neighbors and the sort... but they just moved out and on to other projects.
though they are currently seeing how many would be interested and do not have a vendor...
I told myself i am not buying this year as i really exceeded my 'pocket change' last year... adding over 30 new varieties.
I saw that thread. I just have so little extra cash that I won't be buying any hostas or daylilies this year. I have to get some markers cause I have a lot of seedlings to put outside this spring (whenever that arrives!). I hope to add some brugs and some camelias this year. Maybe some bulbs next fall. In 2008 I bought about 150 bulbs of assorted kinds and I never got to see any of them bloom. I'd like to get a smaller number this fall and hope to see them spring 2011 .