First, kaylyred - your list of musical title Hosta is impressive. WOW! [fell over just looking at it!] When you have time you may want to hunt down 'Yellow Bird'. It was either a Haitian or Jamaican song in origin about thwarted love (1950s or so; wonderful music).
Just wanted to indicate my hosta garden has an unlikely theme of 'Chaos and Destruction'. Some of the names take a little imagination to understand (e-mailed if you have to) but they all make sense. Mind you I have a very small garden of 3ft by 6ft; so that's chaos in itself!
• Blue Mammoth
• Dancing Queen
• Dixie Chickadee
• Dragon Tails
• Emerald Tiara
• Frosted Mouse Ears
• Golden Tiara
• Gorgon
• Holy Mouse Ears
• Itsy Bitsy Spider
• June
• Lemon Lime
• Little Devil
• Little Sunspot
• Popcorn
• Sum and Substance
• T Rex
• 'venusta'
• Vulcan
• X-Ray
IF I had a larger space I would be able add another dozen or so to the same theme.
MstrPBK / Peter Kelley
St. Paul, MN USA
Since the time of this post I remeasured the garden and found I had a little more space than i thought ... 3ft 8in. x 8ft x 8in. Its still a very small garden no matter how you look at it!
Follow more of my early antics of gardening at HostaByKelley:
You can also follow my later antics of gardening at PBK's Place;