I thought I would post these pics just in case this happened to anyone else. One of my hosta beds got ripped up by skunks making a nest. DUH! I did not take pics when the skunks trashed this bed because I was so devasted but all the hostas that I'm going to post pics of were ripped out down to the ground or chewed (you will be able to tell the chewed ones) Both these hostas were ripped off to the ground. TAA DAA we're back
This hosta is a particular fav of mine cuz I rescued it from my buddy who was smothering it with ground covers. I call it the 'Jimmy Hosta'. SO glad to see you Jimmy Hosta
There we're done now This is a pic of one in the same bed which only got minerly skunked. I hope this wasn't too painful but I just wanted to share in case it happens to someone else.
Wonder if skunks have been the culprits in my garden. They ripped a couple of plants right out of the ground. Fortunately, I found them in time and they are recovering.
I found a newly planted liner laying on the ground... after further investigation... apparently a mole dug a tunnel right under him and pushed him out of the way -- it was his escape hole. Well some freshly chewed bubble gum when down the hole and I replanted the little guy. All is well.
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
2 Corinthians 9:6