Jun 19, 2010 9:47 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jay
Nederland, Texas (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Region: Gulf Coast Charter ATP Member I helped beta test the first seed swap I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Tip Photographer Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Hibiscus
Neptunia pubescens - Tropical Puff

Thumb of 2010-06-19/Horntoad/86c7d4

Jun 19, 2010 9:48 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jay
Nederland, Texas (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Region: Gulf Coast Charter ATP Member I helped beta test the first seed swap I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Tip Photographer Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Hibiscus
Flower close-up

Thumb of 2010-06-19/Horntoad/243d60

Jun 19, 2010 9:51 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jay
Nederland, Texas (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Region: Gulf Coast Charter ATP Member I helped beta test the first seed swap I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Tip Photographer Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Hibiscus
Without the flower it looks powder puff, sensitive briar or many other plants with mimosa like leaves.

Thumb of 2010-06-19/Horntoad/f64fcd

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  • Started by: Horntoad
  • Replies: 2, views: 798
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