This thread is in reply to a blog post by glengarry23 entitled "19th April 2015.".
Apr 20, 2015 6:58 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Annie
Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Region: Pennsylvania Keeper of Poultry
Just lovely! This is the next step in my evolution as a gardener...I have got to learn how to use/arrange planters and pots. All my life, I have been an "in the dirt" gardener, just a pot of petunias or a geranium on the porch. But I really want to learn how to create arrangements of potted plants so that I can have a nice display for visitors. You have a wonderful eye! I am not very artistic and I struggle with that. My usual way to begin is to copy something I like and then try to determine WHY I like it.

Your dear blind cat ....bless you for caring for him. We have 19 cats on our property, all rescues or strays and most of them handicapped in one way or another. People ask me why I have so many and I say "You have to do what you can to make the world a bit better. This is what I've been given to do." Ours are all neutered/spayed, so not adding to the population.
I am not "country" I am "landed gentry."
Apr 20, 2015 6:20 PM CST
Name: Philip
Ireland,.The Midlands. (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Roses Lilies Hostas Dog Lover Dahlias
Cottage Gardener Clematis Cat Lover Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter
Hi Annie,
Wow 19 cats,..i presumed i was overpopulated with cats when i had 12,..i think the ones i fed and just muttered to passed the word around that i was a soft touch however i am now reduced to 5 that sleep in,.. they come and go but never even use the litter tray,..they still insist on going out,..suits me,..if they are unwell it has being known they may use the litter tray, are top of the list in my book for looking after all your 19 cats not many people are that caring.

Ah yes the containers,..i only started this when i ran out of space,..i converted the pathway under my window for containers and made a smaller path for access,..the Wallflowers have such a strong sweet scent i potted them in tall containers so they would be at nose level lol,..the Phygelius have three inch drooping blooms so it was better to view them from a higher point, just went from there to more containers due to running out of space in the main garden area.

When i had 11 cats.

Thumb of 2015-04-21/glengarry23/c8aaeb
Apr 21, 2015 5:03 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Annie
Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Region: Pennsylvania Keeper of Poultry
Yes, that looks a lot like supper time around here *LOL*. I have a majority of ginger cats too. And black.

I was just thinking today that the hyacinths would be better planted somewhere up high so the scent is more accessible. Maybe I'll try to find a tall container for them.
I am not "country" I am "landed gentry."
Apr 21, 2015 5:47 PM CST
Name: Philip
Ireland,.The Midlands. (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Roses Lilies Hostas Dog Lover Dahlias
Cottage Gardener Clematis Cat Lover Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter
Oh yes Hyacinths have a lovely strong scent,..good idea for them to be higher you could just stand there and enjoy.

Ginger cats are very tiger like and very attractive,..below is one litter lol,..looks like one of them told a joke as they seem to be laughing.

Thumb of 2015-04-21/glengarry23/e5d356
Apr 22, 2015 5:36 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Annie
Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Region: Pennsylvania Keeper of Poultry
Get thou behind me, kittens. *LOL* Oh even with 18 of them here, my first reaction is still: OH how dear I would love to have them! A bouquet of kittens. We don't get enough kittens here; most of ours come to us old, battered, discarded. Or at that half-grown (8-12 months) stage...usually abused and discarded. We had a total of 4 kittens born on the property over the past 2 years (a feral female took up residence under our henhouse), but they were so wild I was only able to actually cuddle one of them (the male born last year). 3 years ago, to help out the overcrowded Animal Shelter, I brought home a very tiny baby girl but she was so wild it was taking your life in your hands to just reach toward her *slash, spit, hiss*. *LOL*
I am not "country" I am "landed gentry."
Apr 22, 2015 8:59 AM CST
Name: Philip
Ireland,.The Midlands. (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Roses Lilies Hostas Dog Lover Dahlias
Cottage Gardener Clematis Cat Lover Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter
Everybody loves cuddly kittens but only now and then, are great taking home so many and in particular injured and discarded ones,..i notice that the cats i don't take notice of seem to come to me quicker than if i were trying to get friendly with them.

I can not remember if you looked at the video below,..its very short,..a Big feral tom came calling some time back,..and as you described *spitting and hissing*, took me three months before i could hand feed or stroke him.

Video==="Wild Thing",..The Big Feral Tom.

Thumb of 2015-04-22/glengarry23/e1cef1

Where am i supposed to sit.

Thumb of 2015-04-22/glengarry23/9055ea
Apr 23, 2015 7:17 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Annie
Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a)
Cat Lover Region: Pennsylvania Keeper of Poultry
Looks like one we used to have: Leo. (He started out as "Cleo" until the vet told us he was a him, not a her. Leo was wild from the start and at about 8 months of age, disappeared. We feared the worst. Months passed, then almost a YEAR LATER, I went to feed the hens and there was this big strapping tom in the hay...Leo. He lived with us for many years.
I am not "country" I am "landed gentry."
Apr 23, 2015 4:26 PM CST
Name: Philip
Ireland,.The Midlands. (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Roses Lilies Hostas Dog Lover Dahlias
Cottage Gardener Clematis Cat Lover Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter
You must have being very pleased to see Leo return,..its a worry when they vanish like that as you imagine all kinds of reasons for not returning, of mine left home,.."Olivia",.. i found she decided to remain outside a neighbors back yard,.. for a year,..then no sign of her anywhere,..she turned up three months ago and only drops in for food once a week,..she was my indoor cat for years,..weird!.


Thumb of 2015-04-23/glengarry23/c498ff

Just like you thinking Cleo was a she,.. i have a Clara whom i was sure was a she but found out when it was a mature cat,..Clara is a he lol,..i didn't have to change the name as there is a village named Clara quite near.


Thumb of 2015-04-23/glengarry23/018fbe
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