needrain said: Was it only due to the weather? One of the schools in my county closed for three days beginning Monday, but it was due to the number of sick students. Probably convenient to do it in the cold spell, but we were never predicted to have icy driving conditions. Didn't say if the sickness was due to anything specific.
kittriana said: Beautiful day here, got up to 56* with a light breeze. Felt great in the sun. Are we done? Well, no - looks like 7 days of rain coming, still in the mid 20's at night too. We seem to be overrun with people today, wrecks constantly and heavy traffic all day everywhere. I grabbed my other mother in law and we had our 5 oz chicken fried steaks at Black Bear Diner and then scooted for home. Whew. It is kinda strange that this house is colder in 57* weather than at 30* weather and the thermostat is on 66*, but it just may be the sunshine feels really good.
I wondered how bad you guys got it down there Jay. Without internet I have a hard time when people ask me" Did you know…?" What NOLa got snow! Wow! San Diego is trying to burn down now? Wow! Are we just going to burn California to the ground and start over? Maybe?
Hang in there you guys, I always knew Feb was the worst month of winter, here it comes.
kittriana said: by that time my sheets were done and I stuck them in the oven ( electric, no pilot lights) to cool.