My bloom season starts later than most in California since I am at a higher elevation and the weather is generally cooler here. The warm fall and winter, and the the late snowfalls must have played some role in all of this. Since I am fairly new to "iris growing", I don't really know what is normal.
Yes, I have been growing irises for many years, but only a few of them in my mixed beds. I had not previously written down the bloom time of each one to compare, so I am not sure what is "normal". Now I am keeping records.
One very odd thing I noticed is that the foliage on several iris plants is that the foliage was distorted, curling up in places, and having ridges. At the time the weather was warm, then cold and snowy, then warm, then I am attributing these anomalies to the erratic weather patterns.
Just one iris had chimeras on it...some blooms had no standards and 4 falls, while other blooms on the same stalk were normal. One even had a small flower with one standard and one fall. (Awesome Alex)