May 8, 2015 3:00 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lee-Roy
Bilzen, Belgium (Zone 8a)
Region: Belgium Composter Region: Europe Ferns Hostas Irises
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Okay, don't now if this thread is in the right place, but since the genus Hymenocallis is in the Amaryllidaceae family, I thought what the heck :p

So, I just bought two Hymenocallis harrisiana bulbs online. At the moment I have three H. festalis growing, but they weren't exactly what I had in mind (though they're lovely in their own right), so that's why and I wanted to have one as soon as I saw one of them.
Does anyone else have this plant and what recommendations can you give me? Perhaps some photos of yours. Would appreciate it! Hurray!
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