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May 14, 2015 6:51 AM CST
Thread OP

I was told this plant is anti-diabetic, but I am unable to ID it. I thought it was sambung, but it has small orange flowers.
Thumb of 2015-05-14/Enki/268aaf
Thumb of 2015-05-14/Enki/563b98
Thumb of 2015-05-14/Enki/bb4036
Thumb of 2015-05-14/Enki/a13aaa
Thumb of 2015-05-14/Enki/813ecf
May 14, 2015 8:48 AM CST
Name: Ron
Naples, Florida (Zone 10a)
Region: Florida Hummingbirder Butterflies Adeniums Bromeliad Hibiscus
Foliage Fan Plant and/or Seed Trader Xeriscape Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant Identifier
Looks like a type of Justicia. There are several orange flowered species.

Can't really research further right now because (sh-h-h... I'm at work).
[He] decided that if a few quiet beers wouldn't allow him to see things in a different light, then a few more probably would. - Terry Pratchett
Avatar for Enki
May 14, 2015 12:06 PM CST
Thread OP

Thanks for putting me on the right path rattlebox. :)

I am looking at justicia coccinea right now, but the flowers appear a bit more red than orange.
Avatar for Enki
May 14, 2015 12:14 PM CST
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Upon further research, I believe this is Justicia chrysostephana. Can anyone verify this?
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May 14, 2015 12:18 PM CST
Thread OP

Or is it, justicia spicigera?
May 14, 2015 12:24 PM CST
Name: Ron
Naples, Florida (Zone 10a)
Region: Florida Hummingbirder Butterflies Adeniums Bromeliad Hibiscus
Foliage Fan Plant and/or Seed Trader Xeriscape Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant Identifier
J. chrysostephana is reddish on the undersides of the leaves, particularly the veins. J. sp. 'Sidicaro' is often mis-id'ed as J. chrysostephana, however.

J. 'Sidicaro' wants to be a large shrub, with strong upright stems and large 6" x4" leaves.

Also look at the flower's lower lip. Tightly curled on 'Sidicaro', aka Orange Justicia.
[He] decided that if a few quiet beers wouldn't allow him to see things in a different light, then a few more probably would. - Terry Pratchett
Avatar for Enki
May 14, 2015 1:01 PM CST
Thread OP

I believe j. spicigera "sidicaro" is correct. :)

It has research behind it to back its anti diabetic properties as well.

If interested in the research,

I am going to plant this right now. :)

Thanks for all the help.
May 14, 2015 1:46 PM CST
Name: Ron
Naples, Florida (Zone 10a)
Region: Florida Hummingbirder Butterflies Adeniums Bromeliad Hibiscus
Foliage Fan Plant and/or Seed Trader Xeriscape Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant Identifier
J. spicigera and J. 'Sidicaro' are two different species.

Again, look to the flower's lower lip. Not tightly curled on J. spicigera.

As far as I know, 'Sidicaro' has not yet been formally described. Part of the reason for this is lack of collection data. The original source of collection is obscure.

Check the link The thread "Justicia 'Orange Flame'" in Plant Database forum for a discussion in which I had been involved.
[He] decided that if a few quiet beers wouldn't allow him to see things in a different light, then a few more probably would. - Terry Pratchett
Avatar for Enki
May 14, 2015 3:27 PM CST
Thread OP

Good to know, I will take some more pics and post them when they are heartily growing.

Thanks again rattlebox.
May 14, 2015 9:55 PM CST
Name: Ron
Naples, Florida (Zone 10a)
Region: Florida Hummingbirder Butterflies Adeniums Bromeliad Hibiscus
Foliage Fan Plant and/or Seed Trader Xeriscape Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant Identifier
Looking forward to more photos as the plant grows!

Now that I'm home and can research more easily, I'm leaning toward Justicia spicigera.

From what I can tell:
> 'Sidicaro' has large, wide, bullate leaves, tips tend to be rather blunt. flower clusters are dense and tightly held. The flower clusters are beautiful, but the shrub overall is rather coarse in appearance.

> Leaves of Justicia spicigera tend to be long and narrow with an acute point. The medium-texture shrub tends to be fuller and more attractive when not in bloom. Flower clusters are numerous but are more sparse and more loosely held. I have noticed the lower lip of the bloom also tends to curl under tightly on this species.

> The similar Justicia leonardii has smaller leaves that are somewhat fuzzy.

At best it's a confusing mess, with many photos on the internet clearly misidentified.

Regardless which you have, give it adequate moisture, plenty of bright morning sun, and shade it from the hot afternoon sun and you will have a great-looking shrub on your hands.

Don't forget to post more pictures as your plant develops (adding to this thread is ideal, as your post will automatically pop up on my profile so I won't miss it).

Are you located in Costa Rica, the States, or where?
[He] decided that if a few quiet beers wouldn't allow him to see things in a different light, then a few more probably would. - Terry Pratchett
Last edited by rattlebox May 14, 2015 10:00 PM Icon for preview
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