Some updates. The bed to where most of these plants are being moved keeps getting bigger. I moved about 75 more plants around the outer edge yesterday:
The first plants that were moved here are fully recovered & looking great!
Another spot, also with some purchased moss roses (P. grandiflora):
Noticing that the more time a plant has to recover, the bigger the blooms:
First bloom on this project today!
Edited to add:
@needrain So glad to read that yours bloomed last year, survived winter, and is blooming again. Doesn't fit the pattern of a true annual. Every source I've encountered (though there are so few) says that plant is an annual. But, after digging up at least 300 of them from our lawn, I'm convinced many of them are older, established plants. Will observe & closely compare pics, and fashion some collars for some of the biggest plants, to be sure of exact placement of what I observe in the spring. I also have some in pots by now to observe too.