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Jun 13, 2015 6:43 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
My new daylilies open and have mottled discoloration. Does water make it happen or something else?
Jun 13, 2015 6:49 AM CST
Name: Becky
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies Hummingbirder Butterflies Seed Starter Container Gardener
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Ideas: Master Level Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Birds Ponds
Possibly "thrips" - pests.
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Garden Rooms and Becky's Budget Garden
Jun 13, 2015 6:51 AM CST
Name: Becky
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies Hummingbirder Butterflies Seed Starter Container Gardener
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Ideas: Master Level Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Birds Ponds
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.
Garden Rooms and Becky's Budget Garden
Jun 13, 2015 7:45 AM CST
Name: Debra
Nashville, TN (Zone 7a)
Butterflies Cat Lover Daylilies Seed Starter Region: Tennessee
Heavy dew or thrips, or both.
Jun 13, 2015 10:08 AM CST
Name: Larry
Enterprise, Al. 36330 (Zone 8b)
Composter Daylilies Garden Photography Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level Plant Identifier
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: Alabama
You said your "new" daylilies were mottled. Does that mean these are the first blooms ever to open on those plants or some of the first blooms? If so it may not be insect damage at all. I do think cool weather plays a large role, rain and other types of moisture also aid in causing it. I have had several new plants open this year that were so mottled I could not tell what they were. I still have a few that have already bloomed through the first scapes and I never could recognize them they were so mottled. Normally, though after a bloom or two they settle in and look like they should. If not then you may have an insect problem. Some daylilies look almost perfect from the first bloom, but most don't.
Jun 13, 2015 10:29 AM CST
Name: Teresa Felty Barrow
South central KY (Zone 6b)
Birds Hummingbirder Hybridizer Irises Lilies Peonies
Sempervivums Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: United States of America Vegetable Grower Hostas Heucheras
Here is a picture of one nice one and a really mottled one Angry This is the second and third blooms.
Thumb of 2015-06-13/bluegrassmom/bceb5e
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Jun 13, 2015 12:57 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
I inspected for bugs but don't see anything. Heavy wet dew in morning. "new" meaning that I bought them online and this is the first bloom they've had. Mine also look NOTHING like what I ordered in the photo.
Jun 13, 2015 1:20 PM CST
Name: Larry
Enterprise, Al. 36330 (Zone 8b)
Composter Daylilies Garden Photography Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level Plant Identifier
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: Alabama
Have you got photos, and a list of the plant names? I think it would be fun trying to put a name to the mottled faces. I have been trying to do that for the past two months. Waiting on rebloom scapes now for a second attempt on a few.
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Jun 18, 2015 12:22 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
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Jun 18, 2015 12:36 PM CST
Missouri (Zone 6a)
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Lilies Keeper of Koi Irises Hydrangeas Garden Photography Cottage Gardener
rain does that here. the bloom starts to open a day or two before and rain/dew gets down inside the bud and lightens the color out.

We tend to have cool mornings here and hot days, so lots of dew.
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Jun 18, 2015 4:07 PM CST

David Musser in Canada is hybridizing for speckled day lilies. I received one as at the recent national in Atlanta called H. Spots Before My Eyes An older one H. Seurat' 85 is , also, one I own by Moldovan. Look up the cultivar on the AHS Cultivar data base and see whether this is intentional or not
Jun 18, 2015 4:53 PM CST
Name: Larry
Enterprise, Al. 36330 (Zone 8b)
Composter Daylilies Garden Photography Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level Plant Identifier
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: Alabama
Some of mine were even worse than that, I don't have a clue what cultivar it would be. I am waiting on rebloom to try and determine a few of mine.
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Jun 18, 2015 5:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
No, not cultivar. I was disappointed because I paid alot for it and the photo was gorgeous. I didn't realize daylily color could "be removed" by just water.
Jun 18, 2015 5:17 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Christy, which one was this supposed to be?

Sometimes, it takes a while for daylilies to settle in and look like they are supposed to, regardless of the spots on yours. Sometimes they can even take a year or two to bloom.
Last edited by Natalie Jun 18, 2015 5:17 PM Icon for preview
Jun 18, 2015 6:20 PM CST
Name: Char
Vermont (Zone 4b)
Daylilies Forum moderator Region: Vermont Enjoys or suffers cold winters Hybridizer Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Keeper of Poultry Garden Ideas: Master Level Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Photo Contest Winner 2023
christyh said:
Thumb of 2015-06-18/christyh/3795e2

Tarnished Plant Bugs will do this kind of damage to a daylily bloom. Miserable bugs Grumbling
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Jun 22, 2015 1:19 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
It is suppose to be violet becomes you. Not even shaped right
Jun 22, 2015 1:36 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Thanks Christy. I'm on the fence about it being the wrong one. Sometimes they look nothing like they should the first year, and especially not the first blooms. Don't give up hope yet. It may look perfect next year. I think that the shape is close enough that it really could be the correct plant.
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Jun 22, 2015 1:58 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: christy
tn (Zone 7a)
Discouraged. Makes me feel like jack buying magic beans!
Jun 22, 2015 2:01 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
I know, but hang in there and give it another year. It has happened to most of us at one point or another. I've been 100% convinced that I got the wrong plant, on more than one occasion, and the following year, it looked exactly like it should. This isn't uncommon, and I'd give it some time.

Send me those magic beans! I've got just the spot for them! Whistling Hilarious!
Jun 22, 2015 2:25 PM CST
Name: Ashton & Terry
Oklahoma (Zone 7a)
Windswept Farm & Gardens
Butterflies Keeps Sheep Pollen collector Region: Oklahoma Lilies Irises
Hybridizer Hummingbirder Hostas Daylilies Region: United States of America Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I have had Violet Becomes You for 4 years and just this year I saw perfect bloom for the first time. It truly is a splotchy not very pretty daylily. But when it blooms perfect, it Is gorgeous
Not today's bloom...

Hope yours takes less than four years.
(Mine is ugly today)
Last edited by kidfishing Jun 22, 2015 5:19 PM Icon for preview

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