I just came across a photo of Inniswood,
@Paul2302 - added it to the Database, and then spotted your comment.
I had planted it at the base of an Amur Maple, behind some of Gisela Schmiemann's Hellebores, and loved seeing it there, in the deep shade. It had also been one of my favourites, out of my collection of Hostas.
We sold our 100 year old house, with its acre and a half garden, Riverview, (the site of a Nursery from1920 to 1960) to a non-gardener. A friend took it upon herself to save many of my favourite plants. I know that I can ask her for a piece of any of them whenever I find space in my new garden, but I have to have a space ready. Now I have too much sun for this gentle beauty, so I enjoy looking at the many wonderful photos you have put up in this Database, of some of my favourite friends.
Thank you, Paul.