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Jun 25, 2015 3:37 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jim D
East Central Indiana (Zone 5b)
Annuals Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Garden Procrastinator Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Indiana
Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Dragonflies Cottage Gardener Butterflies Birds
I am playing some again, I have been saving rain or filtered water in jugs for a long time , A nice old idea .
Well anyway , here are some jugs I grow algae in , (Trace Minerals) contrasted with a clear water filled jug .
Photo's of the Earth after a few years and Vegetable plants growing on the earth this algae water has been used on ,,
I will pour some algae water into the clear and in a few days I will have more algae water
it does not always make any difference at the time it is used for watering plants , only later it has seemed to make some difference ,,,
Keeping in mind I to , started with a lot of clay for garden earth ..Also helps break down fiber additions to compost attempts
This idea seems to work well under light mulch directly in the garden .
Years of renewal thing .. Hurray!

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In the Butterfly garden if a plant is not chewed up I feel like a failure
Jun 25, 2015 4:48 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jim D
East Central Indiana (Zone 5b)
Annuals Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Garden Procrastinator Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Indiana
Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Dragonflies Cottage Gardener Butterflies Birds
Thumb of 2015-06-25/jimard8/ec7aee

Thumb of 2015-06-25/jimard8/5fae26 These first two photo's show after a month or two , it does the same thing to soil , often anyway , it darkens the soil , While earth tone color does not often define as anything , it is interesting

Thumb of 2015-06-25/jimard8/c6fe04 This last photo shows the green jug in back of photo , turning darker ,,
The interesting about this seems to be , this algae , is not dead when it turns darker , While if used this way , full strength , it can brown spot plants,
The great benefit of this is : it seems to grow anaerobic (without extra air) Yes I know most of you know that ,) What this is about is when your soil begins to compact , this algae keeps growing without air( right back through those nasty old dirt clods that bounce your spade or shovel) , (city water kills this effect , stay with rain or filtered water ) Yes indeed, Right back to the surface , through those packed dirt clods , etc it fights soil compaction without any thing else being done , cool according to me !
All it has to be is kept moist under mulch etc ,,,
In the Butterfly garden if a plant is not chewed up I feel like a failure
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