Celebrating 4 Years of All Things Plants

By dave
July 4, 2015

Time has surely flown. Today we celebrate our 4th anniversary on the web, and we're throwing a party! We invite you to join in the celebration and get a chance for a huge acorn giveaway!

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Jul 4, 2015 7:03 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Donna King
Selmer, TN (Southern West TN) (Zone 7b)
Hummingbirder Garden Ideas: Master Level
Happy anniversary! And thanks to the moon & back for starting ATP. I have no idea how I stumbled onto this site? If I found you, you found me? I honestly do not remember how I discovered you or got started with you, but I know it had nothing to do with FB, as I did not know for a long time you were connected with FB. I'm just SO very thankful to have found you! I've found within this site, some very wonderful friends, I have learned so much, but best of all, just about any question you have, any mystery, any plant ailment, almost anything can be solved here in just a little while! It's absolutely wonderful! Thank you Dave & Trish & all the folks who help you, cause I kno there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes on, for giving us ATP! From the bottom of my heart!!!!! I tip my hat to you. Thank You!
The Hooterville Hillbilly @ Hummingbird Hill
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