The top left one doesn't have a downward protruding head, nor does it appear to have antennae. It looks like a plant hopper nymph.
The one on the bottom right doesn't appear to have antennae either, the head looks like it could have a proboscis which some sucking bugs have, it folds underneath the body but that can't be seen. It looks to have wings the length of the body. They probably have small, fine antennae but the camera hasn't picked them up.
The bottom left one does have antennae, and it has short wings. Wing length can vary according to maturity but the length wouldn't usually reach the tail end if it's a very small nymph of a grasshopper, so the right one I doubt is a grasshopper.
Plant hoppers such as Cicadellidae do have very fine antennae. They all look different or at different stages, and may be different to the first one posted! The original one doesn't look to have a proboscis.
Grow them up and then ask again.
My final thoughts are, the last three are plant hoppers, the original one may be too but it's very difficult to say without seeing more angles and I guess that one is no longer able to pose for you.