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Couldn't it be considered educational to inform those new to lilies, what a virused lily looks like? When I had my first one (long before the internet came along) I had no idea it was caused by a virus.
Name: Suzanne/Sue Sebastopol, CA (Zone 9a) Sunset Zone 15
I would say that yes, it can be retained but maybe in the generic lily entry as it does represent what a virused lily would look like, I just didn't think having the one and only image for this entry should be represented by this sick one..
If there were other entries for this lily I would say keep it with an explanatory caption. But as is people may think this is what the lily should look like. I see that it is a Longiflorum/Asiatic lily. Many of these lilies are prone to virus due to the Longiflorum part of their heritage.
Name: Suzanne/Sue Sebastopol, CA (Zone 9a) Sunset Zone 15
Connie, I think that would be a great addition to the caption! "Many of these lilies are prone to virus due to the Longiflorum part of their heritage." I can add that and move it to the generic entry.
Please do, Sue. I'm real busy out in the garden making new lilies! Feel free to copy and paste. The caption may not take that length though. Maybe delete the first part then... "Virus prone due to...."
I don't think Robert would care as he didn't take the photo.
Nope, that's fine. Knew it was virused when I saw the photo, but also knew the id was correct, almost put it in the generic entry to begin with but then did not.