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Avatar for patweppler
Aug 3, 2015 12:14 PM CST
Thread OP

Celebrating Gardening: 2015
several trees squashed some of my lily beds........
not all of them but some of them..........
they are flattened
the Asiatic lilies were done blooming and that bed got hit the hardest
the orientals are still blooming and some of them got flattened too.......

this sucks big time
but wander if the bulb can pull through this for next year......even if the blooms are not as strong or do I start over again........with new bulbs??
do I leave the mess the way it is............and hope some of the goodness can go back to the bulb........but most of the stalks are bent and more or less broke in spots

help ..............
Avatar for patweppler
Aug 3, 2015 12:19 PM CST
Thread OP

Celebrating Gardening: 2015
it was my neighbours trees that fell on my yard........
my yard took quite the kicking to be honest
wiped out a shed at the back and also the close line
and all the nails on the roof are lifted on the steel roof
the insurance agent is called
but that does not cover the bulbs

this town here is a total mess

what amazes me is that the tulip tree that intolerant of wind and so still standing with a just a few leaves that fell and 2 seed pods
yet the powerful maples fell over next door and they are much stronger
but the tulip tree is a hardwood and the maple is a softwood...........
shocked at the tulip tree

the front lilies are fine but did find Kirsha Maya.............4 doors down in the street in the pot and still intact............
that lily will be added here next year again
I want to buy a few more of these..........
did not even hurt the bloom that is odd
Salmon Star got moved across the yard and not bloomed yet and in the pot
and a few other got moved.........around to different places in the yard
but the main big bed are all fine with the lilies
tornadoes show no mercy on anyone......
Aug 3, 2015 4:56 PM CST
Name: Frank Richards
Clinton, Michigan (Zone 5b)

Hydrangeas Peonies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Master Level
Sorry to hear of your disaster!

I would leave the lilies the way they are and give the bulbs a chance to develop.
Aug 3, 2015 6:52 PM CST
Name: Connie
Willamette Valley OR (Zone 8a)
Forum moderator Region: Pacific Northwest Sedums Sempervivums Lilies Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Pollen collector Plant Identifier Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I agree. I have a few that have broken over (but not completely apart) and I have simply left them where they landed. It will greatly benefit the bulbs for next year.
Avatar for patweppler
Aug 4, 2015 7:28 AM CST
Thread OP

Celebrating Gardening: 2015
ok will let them be and see what happens
but some of these beds are flattened and I mean flattened.....
what a mess in town it Is around here.......
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