I jointed this forum too, because I love house plants, but seem to kill more than I grow...lol! My favorite plants that I have some success with are ZZ Plants, and various Hoyas. Also, don't seem to be able to kill a Pothos. I think my biggest problem is probably over watering. I have plants both here at home, and in the office. My newest addition to the house is the Peace Lily, which is very common. Again, I've killed a couple already, but I do love the plant as long as I can keep it aiive

I've included a picture of my newest plant here.
Here is a better picture, a close-up, of the Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum
The Christmas Cactus below comes from cuttings of a Christmas Cactus that has been in my family for over 100 years. It is the original Christmas cactus. Schlumbergera x buckleyi.