Good day to you all!!
My name is Victoria and I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
I grew up in Ontario. I lived with my grandmother and TONS of house plants. We had bamboo, jade, snake plant, spider plant, lipstick plant, haworthia, aloes, kalanchoes, and more! Everything I touched flourished and grew to insane proportions.
When I moved out on my own and then with hubby, every plant I owned withered and died. Nothing lived (mind you I moved to N.LV, NV). I gave up on plants until we moved to Edmonton.
I started off with a Haworthia and will say now I am addicted!! Both my kids now own a Haworthia and I went nostalgic with all the plants I grew up caring for. I currently have a jade, snake plant, echeveria, silver king hen and chicks, spider plant, English ivy, Haworthia, and some sort of aloe.
I love them all!!! They are my Earth babies and they are once again flourishing