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Avatar for Deebie
Sep 10, 2016 6:25 PM CST
Name: Deborah
midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
Charter ATP Member Amaryllis Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader Seed Starter Plumerias
Plant Identifier Peonies Lilies Irises Hummingbirder Echinacea
plantmanager said:Hello Sy, you have a nice collection! Stick around. This is a wonderful place to learn more, make new friends and to share your photos.

I agree and Welcome! In time you hopefully will be able to have your plants ID'd so that you'll know how to best care for them, so that they not only survive, but thrive for you. Thumbs up Post photos of the cacti in the Cactus and Succulents forum and the others may be IDed here on this forum. Be sure to take multi photos of the plants close up--leaves, entire plant, stems, and flowers if they are present, and any additiional info that may be useful when requesting IDs. Thumbs up
Sep 18, 2016 1:50 AM CST
El Paso, TX (Zone 10b)
Hi all,
I've always loved gardening. It's a great excuse to play in the dirt. :)
Because of my job, I travel/move a lot so unfortunately my collection is now limited to two lucky bamboo plants and a never-never plant, all of which I'm nursing back to health from the neglect of other offices. I intend on creating a jungle around my desk.
This site looks like it's going to keep me sane. :o) Look forward to getting to know everyone!
Avatar for syzone8aUK
Sep 20, 2016 3:47 AM CST
Name: ...
... (Zone 1a)
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)
Added another jade to my collection! This one is much lighter in colour than my other jade, the red margins are more noticeable and the leaves seem to be slightly smaller, is this a different ssp or just grew in different conditions?
The first pic is my new one.

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Edit: Guess a side by side pic would make more sense.

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O give thanks unto Hashem; for He is tov; ki l’olam chasdo (His chesed indures forever).
Last edited by syzone8aUK Sep 21, 2016 3:55 AM Icon for preview
Avatar for freezengirl
Nov 12, 2016 11:10 PM CST
Minnesota and Alaska (Zone 3a)
Hello! I have been stopping in this forum for a while just reading up on threads that caught my eye and drooling over some of the beautiful houseplants some of you have. Although I have been a (rather obsessed) gardener for many years my focus has always been outdoors. The neglect has invariably led to the demise of many house plants over the years except for the old reliable Pothos. It seems to be one of the few plants that survives neglect and the environmental hazards of rehabbing multiple properties over the years. Every winter though I go bonkers without having plants to putter with so I made a commitment to turn over a new leaf. Hurray! I also like puns! Right now I have a couple of large Potho's that I have had to do baby back to health after a summer of total chaos, moving and rehabbing the new house while getting the old one ready for market (miles away), a wedding to plan and my little grandson spending lots of time with grandma. I also have a rather large Aloe Vera, Sansaveria(?) and a sickly looking string of pearls that I am going to have to figure out some urgent care for. My partners in crime are my old Basset hound and two old cats that are really annoyed with me taking up their window sill spots for plants. Thanks to the enabling going on in this forum Big Grin I now have a couple of African violets, a lipstick vine, and a baby spider plant. I suspect I will be returning to this forum quite often.
Avatar for Deebie
Nov 13, 2016 6:43 PM CST
Name: Deborah
midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
Charter ATP Member Amaryllis Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader Seed Starter Plumerias
Plant Identifier Peonies Lilies Irises Hummingbirder Echinacea
Sy I'm sorry I did not see your question above until just now. But, if no one has responded to your question, I hope that you asked the experts on the Cactus and Succulent forum. All I know is that the leaf edges on jades can turn red in the sun. Hopefully, the experts can tell you more.

Welcome! Freezengirl. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. We look forward to your sharing thoughts and photos regarding caring for your re-found interest in houseplant care. And we'll try to answer any questions you have regarding caring for your new additions, and will be happy to enable you in growing still more varieties. nodding . BTW, have you checked out the new article on Growing African Violets? Thumbs up
Avatar for syzone8aUK
Nov 14, 2016 6:15 AM CST
Name: ...
... (Zone 1a)
No worries debbie! Smiling
Hi freezengirl, welcome and make sure to post pics of your houseplants Thumbs up
O give thanks unto Hashem; for He is tov; ki l’olam chasdo (His chesed indures forever).
May 13, 2017 1:02 PM CST

Hi! I'm living in an apartment now and I wanna growing something, my soul's kind don't let me live without that. So I decided to grow chives - that's useful and my satisfaction. But I never have grown something indoor. Can someone help me here? Rolling my eyes.
Avatar for syzone8aUK
May 14, 2017 10:10 AM CST
Name: ...
... (Zone 1a)
@George_M Hi George welcome. You know what! just plant whatever and enjoy! if it doesn't do! Try something else, don't worry you'll find something along the way that suits your location and climate. You could do lots of windowsill herbs, thyme, corriander, parsley, basil etc. For decorative plants you could try a succulent type, maybe a Jade (Crassula Ovata) they are pretty easy looked after indoors.
O give thanks unto Hashem; for He is tov; ki l’olam chasdo (His chesed indures forever).
Avatar for Alysan
May 22, 2017 9:40 AM CST

Hi everyone, I'm Alysan. We're Americans currently living in England, so we do a lot of traveling. I've always had cats, and so never really had houseplants. Now that I no longer have cats after always having at least two, I have some houseplants!! I love them, I love that they're living things sharing life with my family, I love the colors they add to my rooms, and I love caring for them. Unfortunately I'm not very good at caring for them just yet. I'm combing the forums and hoping to learn and ask questions.
Glad to be here Smiling
Avatar for MythrilDelight
May 26, 2017 7:24 PM CST
Name: Victoria
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Zone 3a)
Good day to you all!!

My name is Victoria and I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I grew up in Ontario. I lived with my grandmother and TONS of house plants. We had bamboo, jade, snake plant, spider plant, lipstick plant, haworthia, aloes, kalanchoes, and more! Everything I touched flourished and grew to insane proportions.

When I moved out on my own and then with hubby, every plant I owned withered and died. Nothing lived (mind you I moved to N.LV, NV). I gave up on plants until we moved to Edmonton.

I started off with a Haworthia and will say now I am addicted!! Both my kids now own a Haworthia and I went nostalgic with all the plants I grew up caring for. I currently have a jade, snake plant, echeveria, silver king hen and chicks, spider plant, English ivy, Haworthia, and some sort of aloe.

I love them all!!! They are my Earth babies and they are once again flourishing Smiling
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Last edited by MythrilDelight May 26, 2017 10:00 PM Icon for preview
Aug 7, 2017 7:27 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lee Anne Stark
Brockville, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5a)
Perpetually happy!
Keeps Goats Forum moderator Frogs and Toads Tip Photographer Keeper of Poultry I helped plan and beta test the plant database.
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Critters Allowed Cottage Gardener Charter ATP Member Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Region: Canadian
Avatar for rockdale2017
Nov 1, 2017 11:28 AM CST
Name: Rockdale
RI (Zone 6b)
Hi, Everyone:

I landed on this community when I was trying to ID my Philodendron domesticum 'Lemon Lime' plant back in Sep. Found a very old post here that confirmed the id, and since registered. I grow a couple house plants mostly Philodendron, Sansevieria, Crassula, Hoyas and these and those plants. Ok, that's more than a couple, trying to keep my plants under 100 but new attractive things keep popping up. Now I almost moved my plants inside except a couple of more hardier ones, I will be more active to post pictures and chat with you guys/gals. I am mostly doing make up reading from older threads now but I already find some threads that I want to write. [Warning!] You will be seeing me post here or there soon.

Nov 1, 2017 11:48 AM CST
Greece (Zone 10b)
Houseplants Foliage Fan Cactus and Succulents Tropicals Aroids Bromeliad
Orchids Region: Europe Garden Art Enjoys or suffers hot summers Dog Lover Cat Lover
I don't think I have introduced myself formally, so here it is:
I am a woman living in Greece, who loves plants mostly for their foliage. I am trying to have many plants
indoors, sometimes they thrive, others not so much. I have only a small garden that I can put some pots in and actually plant some plants in the ground, so I will be showing their progress also. Mostly it will be about the indoor plant life though. It's great to be in a forum with so many other plant people, who are so knowledgable and can give advice. I love seeing the gorgeous images of everyone's plants! Happy to be here!~~~
In some Native languages the term for plants translates to "those who take care of us."
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Avatar for scgibbs
Oct 25, 2022 10:21 PM CST
florence, SC US (Zone 7a)
Hello. New to this thread. I have a snake plant I was wondering what house plants do you combo plant with and which you never try? Like snake plant I have seen paired with pothos at Lowe's, which seems like a bad idea. But the internet taken with a grain of salt, says it can survive alot assuming they mean as long its dry. But that doesn't sound like pothos.

Thumb of 2022-10-26/scgibbs/8718de
Plant babies pictured. Gonna prepare them for a plant swap nov 5
I also bought a combo planter from lowes that had pothos, kalanchoe, polka dot plant, English ivy, and 2 spider plants that weren't supposed to be in there, those 2 weren't listed on the tag. I got it cause it was 50 % with very little damage.
Jan 29, 2023 10:58 PM CST
Chicago IL
Hi! I am just beginning to understand this site and how to navigate it… 🤦‍♀️. So far I am loving it! I recently moved here from upstate SC (in the last 2 years to be fair) where the winters were shorter and the greener seasons longer. There was 3 ft of snow my first winter and it seemed it would never ever go away and allow spring it's turn… I found my passion for houseplants during this long winter and it has helped me tremendously. I jumped in with both feet and have very nearly turned our already full house… 4 boys, 3 dogs, 1 cat kinda full… with houseplants everywhere. 😇 I still want more. I still don't really know what I am doing when I bring another one home. I still can't stop bringing more home. 🤦‍♀️ I look forward to sharing the little I have learned and for picking the brains of those with more experience than myself. (No one here in my home shares my passion… and quite frankly they are tired of trying to listen to me get excited over new blooms or healthy roots and unfurling leaves.) I'll drop a few images of my plants and stop rambling now.
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Jan 30, 2023 6:09 AM CST
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
Just keep on with your "budding" passion. One day you might be as addicted to plants as I have become. I grew 100's of tropicals for 45 years in my home state of Mississippi, and though our winters there certainly don't compare to those in Chicago, still, it gets into the lower 20's and teens. I had greenhouses to remedy those winter situations. Those Mississippi days came to an end almost five years ago and now I'm in SE Florida. No greenhouses, just a single orchid shadehouse. I've now got over 1000 tropicals, and live on 2.2 acres, but this is also coming to an end. I'm selling and giving away the vast majority of my tropicals since we'll soon be moving to a postage-stamp size property. I'll have to retire again, but this time, really retire from what I've loved to do all those five decades. Life changes.
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Thumb of 2023-01-30/drdawg/946e96
drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
Jan 30, 2023 8:19 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
Welcome! @Plantpassionplus!
and anyone else here who hasn't yet been active elsewhere too. Jump on in Thumbs up

Looks like you're doing a geat job with plants already. Thumbs up

@scgibbs, I don't mix too many plants . I do have a Sans with a few Oxalis. I agree, Sans and peace lily sounds lesss than ideal. I'd think succulents with Sans.
Plant it and they will come.
Avatar for RosesNViolets
Jan 30, 2023 8:28 PM CST
SW Arkansas
Hi. I'm Kat. I'm primarily an outdoor gardener - roses, hydrangea, milkweed and my beloved elephant ears - but my indoor plants keep me sane during our dreary winters. I confine my indoor plants to the pet-free zone, a.k.a., the (unused) formal living room.
Indoors I have a philodendron, christmas cacti, snakes plants, a string of pearls, aloes, one gorgeous bromeliad (but plan to add more), polka dots, cyclamens, a birds nest fern and my first love, African violets. Somehow they all get along, despite their different needs.
Some pics of my house babies and one of the hydrangea, just because it outdid itself last summer.

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Jan 30, 2023 8:32 PM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
Welcome! Kat
Love the plants, all those flowers!
Plant it and they will come.
Feb 4, 2023 12:36 PM CST
Name: Kathy
Arkansas (Zone 8b)
"Pets should not be a whim"
Region: Arkansas Bromeliad Dog Lover Region: Louisiana Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant and/or Seed Trader
Vegetable Grower Garden Ideas: Level 2
How have I missed this thread??!!! I've been here for several years but will introduce myself anyway. I'm Kathy & we have mostly done edibles because that's all my husband thinks you should grow. Edibles or stuff like cotton that has a use. I'm one of those weird chicks who try to go the homeopathic route as much as possible so we have also started trying to grow things that help with that. My husband is disabled (COPD, diabetes, congestive heart failure, prior back surgery, on oxygen) & there's alot he can't do (also stuff he could do that would help him but he doesn't). Anyway, I never really had houseplants very often because he complained so much about them. Waste of time, money, space, blah blah blah.

I remember clearly my first houseplant. It was a Queen's tears (Bilbergia nutans). I had post partum depression after my second kid was born. I never had the energy to bother brushing my hair or clean my house on a regular basis. I took care of my kids but it was the bare minimum. My oldest was two & loved going outside to play but I had a hard time, it just seemed like too much work to get him & the baby outside. I knew something was wrong & did get help. One day I was coming back from the mailbox & flipping through the mail. There was a garden catalog & in it was a caricature of this plant they had for sale. It was called a friendship plant & that just struck me because boy did I need a friend. I eventually got the plant but over the years I've had to replace it with another but Bilbergia nutans still holds a special place for me. (That's been 30 years ago. My kids are ok & I'm ok.)

My favorites are Aloe, pothos, Philodendron, the holiday cactus, & I'm starting to have some interest in air plants.

My issues have been with animals & my plants. For years, my houseplants were kept under some trees for the summer & around October I would take them inside for the winter. Our dogs were older & never bothered the plants no matter where they were. In the last 6 years, that all changed. First, someone dumped a kitten then a few years later a puppy got dumped here & then I found a kitten in the cold rain & couldn't leave it. Naturally the shelter was full when I needed them & couldn't take them. It took me awhile to catch on to kitty #1 & my plants until I caught her using one as a litter box & slapping another one until she knocked it off. After some research, I finally thought I had fixed the issue (& she grew older & uninterested). And then the puppy came & she would run right through my plants, knocking stuff everywhere. She would also grab pots & drag them around the yard or dig them up out of the pots. I would tell my husband to not let her out, that I would let her out when I got home so I could walk her with a leash but I would pull up in the driveway & she would already be outside, running around the yard with the remains of a pot or a plant in her mouth. I would just want to cry but I would also be so angry at her & my husband. I've slowly replaced after each new pet but this might be the last time.
"Don't breed or buy while animals in shelters die."
"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal..." Proverbs 12:10

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