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Aug 8, 2015 4:47 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Chuck
Gorham Maine (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Hummingbirder Garden Ideas: Level 1
I am in the thought development stages for a new garden and I thought it might be fun to have you help me design it. It will be placed beside a driveway, be round and measure 12 to 15 feet across. It can be viewed from all sides and will be surrounded by grass. It will get full sun for almost the entire day.
How would you design it? Would it be viewed from one direction or have a 360 degree focus? Would you add a water feature or perhaps some other type of structure.
Height in center or around one edge?
And finally what and how would you plant?

Have some fun, give me some ideas, include pictures of your garden.
Life is a journey of adventure and discovery, sail bravely into each new day.
Aug 8, 2015 7:32 AM CST
Name: Marilyn
CT (Zone 5b)
Birds Daylilies Dog Lover Garden Art Heucheras
Chuck, sounds like a fun project! I would love to see a bird bath in the center, or a dwarf Japanese maple..... since iris is my favorite flower, I would have clumps of Siberian and tall bearded near the center...... Asiatic lilies, & daylilies, Cone flowers next, along with Shasta daisies....short summer phlox, like Red Riding Hood....perennial geraniums......some annuals for the outside edging......All those plants are hardy in your area, & will give you color all growing season....My gardens are all raised beds surrounded by stone walls...the front ones are backed by a white board fence......
Thumb of 2015-08-08/RobinD/73c89e
Aug 9, 2015 3:44 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Chuck
Gorham Maine (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Hummingbirder Garden Ideas: Level 1
Some very good suggestions. I like the idea of the Japanese maple. I have always wanted one but found them rather pricey. We planted an iris last year that bloomed this year, ghost train. It is one of the darkest purple,I've seen. Another winner when it comes to the daisy family is Banana Cream. It's a beautiful cream yellow tuning to white as it ages. Cone flowers are also found here. I love watching the butterflies on them. Yesterday was the Red Admirals turn. It spent several hours on the flowers allowing me ample time for pictures. When we lived in Mass. I had a fountain in one of the gardens. The sound of trickling water is hard to beat for relaxation.
Thanks for your input,

photos of Banana Cream

Thumb of 2015-08-09/dogwalker/8c87ca
Life is a journey of adventure and discovery, sail bravely into each new day.
Last edited by dogwalker Aug 9, 2015 3:51 AM Icon for preview
Aug 9, 2015 10:13 AM CST
Name: Lucy
Tri Cities, WA (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Cottage Gardener Irises Region: Northeast US Region: United Kingdom Region: United States of America
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Irises of course from the small to the tall. Dogwood tree for my center & a pink flowering almond bush (set of 2). Daylily 'pumpkin time. for Aug. & a trellis with sweet autumn clemites for a grand finish.
Aug 9, 2015 5:47 PM CST
Name: Marilyn
CT (Zone 5b)
Birds Daylilies Dog Lover Garden Art Heucheras
I like the Banana Cream! I ordered daisy Old Court variety....lots of crazy's budded again, so I can get a photo when it blooms......Sometimes there are good sales on the JMs.....especially if you buy a small one.
Aug 10, 2015 4:10 AM CST
Name: Allison
NJ (Zone 6a)
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: New Jersey Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1
of course I would do a hummingbird butterfly garden.. trellis with a coral honeysuckle in the middle.. agastache, salvia, a plenty in there
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