Name: Jessie Worsham Stockbridge, GA (Zone 8a) Northwest Georgia Daylily Society
There are so many varieties, it's difficult to ID just from a photo. Do you have the height and bloom size, bloom season, where you purchased, or any other info to narrow it down?
I would say 18" to 20". Bloom size 4". Bloom season M (first bloom 7-7-15). It was given to me as a gift and at the time was identified as Exploded Pumpkin but clearly is not that. I am also in Region 3.
JoanC - to the ATP Daylily Forum! I can't help you on the ID of that beautiful daylily bloom, but I am sure someone here might be able to help you narrow it down.
Did you get it from a daylily nursery?
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Name: Jessie Worsham Stockbridge, GA (Zone 8a) Northwest Georgia Daylily Society
Doesn't ring a bell for me. Hopefully someone will recognize it. You may want to ask the person you got it from (if you haven't already). Good luck and welcome!