the actors are:phlox,eschscholzia,mathiola,godetia,antirrhinum.......
theses are the only ones i could find for now......
since i am a beginer i would like to know if i need to read all about each plant and its behaviuor(for the begining) or i can start sowing(at the begining of september)like i did with zinnias in a 80 centimetre long container and then when at ten centimetre to transfer the strong ones into bigger pots...
question 2:can i sow the five packets with all of there contents into my old compost heap which is covered with garden soil.?
it is in shade which brings me to question 3:do most of them grow from september and then go through the winter,which means : autumn -october,november, winter-december,january,february........all of these months outside untill the heat kills them? or the length of day?
is a shady place for there benefit in this case?