Charlie Harper, MG 2004
One of the benefits of the Master Gardener Fall Gardening Symposium, sponsored by Hancock County, was learning the technical name for the problem I have with buying plants. Dr. Laura Deeter introduced this important bit of information to the class.
It's CHAD - 'Compulsive Horticultural Acquisition Disorder'. Typical symptoms are 1.) impulse buying of any new plant encountered, 2.) buying it without having even the vaguest idea of where you are going to plant it, 3.) putting new plants in willy-nilly into the most convenient, available spot in the garden, 4.) eventually filling every available empty space, resulting in unmanageable overcrowding, and 5.) losing the lawn to 'bed creep', as beds are expanded in an attempt to relieve the overcrowding, while making space for new acquisitions. Other symptoms may include 'new plant envy', 'gardener's resentment', financial exhaustion, and a number of specific addictive behaviors, including hostaholicism, hemeroholicism, etc. Though not discussed, it appears that eventual loss of bladder and bowel control may presage the onset of insanity. No cure was offered.
As I suspected, it is widespread among gardeners, especially Master Gardeners. I don't feel so badly now. At least I know I'm not alone.