Thanks Jim and Melanie, is there anything I am suppose to do now? I have never raised in and I really don't know how to. I think these are the first Monarch cats I have had in my yard that I have noticed anyway. I even let the milkweed that grows wild in my flower beds stay where they are.
Just keep the milkweed planted and they'll do their own thing. They've been doing it for thousands of years and don't really need our help. Except to correct the things we messed up like taking away their milkweed in the first place. But unless you want to raise them indoors, just sit back and enjoy the show. And of course, don't spray any pesticides!
Thanks for the advice. I just checked the plant again and only saw 3 cats. Not sure where the others went. I will have to plant more of the butterfly plant.
gardenglassgems They crawl around everywhere , some pupated I am sure , others on the plant when not being noticed , camoflage experts the little things are ,
In the Butterfly garden if a plant is not chewed up I feel like a failure