Sep 8, 2015 8:53 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Donald
Eastland county, Texas (Zone 8a)
Raises cows Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: Texas Plant Identifier
There's a new scape on ALDERSGATE. This one seems to not like the usual late freezes here. It was looking great until it got bit back hard and the plant has taken all summer to get back to looking good again. It did put out a couple of puny scapes, but they just didn't go anywhere. Only two buds on the new scape, but maybe with some luck I'll get to see a couple of blooms.
Sep 8, 2015 6:13 PM CST
Name: Becky
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Daylilies Hummingbirder Butterflies Seed Starter Container Gardener
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Ideas: Master Level Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Birds Ponds
I bet you do get to see both of those buds bloom! Be sure to take some photos and post here so we can all see! I need a bloom fix..... Blinking
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