I haven't seen geese yet.
My garden is a kind of natural, so I don't have a problem with weeds. The native plants can stand their ground. For example, my main groundcover are violets, and they can cover everything. Several types of goldenrods are in full bloom, including a tall Silverrod that is loved by bees.
This year started well for roses; we had lots of rain in the spring and the roses were blooming as crazy in June. Then the weather became very hot and dry, so the flowers got small. I tried to water as much as I could, but I was so busy with other things that I couldn't take care of the garden. Now the roses are recovering. There are fewer flowers than usual, but, hopefully, they will have one more good round before the first frost.
My clematises had a good year though. There were even one or two flowers on the Polich Spirit (type 3) in September. The Sweet Autum Clematis was in full bloom for several weeks and almost covered the entrance door. I had to tie it back.