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Sep 9, 2015 6:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jay
Nederland, Texas (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Region: Gulf Coast Charter ATP Member I helped beta test the first seed swap I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Tip Photographer Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Master Level Hibiscus
Today's Hibiscus of the Day is Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos 'Lord Baltimore').

This plant can be found in the ATP Plant Database at:
Hybrid Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore') .

Please join in, if you own this plant! We would love to know more!

Also, please consider adding a "Local Report" to the ATP Plant Database! Thank you!

Hybrid Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore')

Sep 14, 2015 7:06 PM CST
Name: Meredith
New Hampshire (Zone 5b)
Region: New Hampshire Cat Lover Butterflies Hummingbirder Keeper of Poultry Roses
Lilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Daylilies Bee Lover Irises Seed Starter
I've had one of these I planted in 2007. It is always the first of my Hardy Hibiscus to bloom and the most severely damaged by Sawfly Larvae. They must prefer it's foliage over the others I have planted nearby. The leaves are much more dissected than the others and remind me of the less hardy Texas Red Star Hibiscus. I think I have an issue with rodents damaging roots in the area it is planted proabably due to them liking all the rocks. At one point a couple years ago I thought it was a goner because after one winter it took longer than usual and longer than the others I have, to begin growth in late spring and it only managed a single stem with a couple flowers that year. Last year it was slightly better and this year it seemed to have recovered quite a bit and was the biggest I can remember it ever being. However I have a Hibiscus 'Moy Grande' a few feet away and some others not too far and they all grow into the size of a large shrubs taller than me (I'm 5 feet) while Lord Baltimore is only a few stems, reaching about 4 feet high. So all in all I think it is a picky grower for me and not as hardy or vigorous as many other Hardy Hibiscus are here. The large red flowers are beautiful though and it would be nice if I could find a cultivar with the same flowers but a better plant. Here it is on July 27, 2015 just starting to bloom, you can see off to the right, the side of the 'Moy Grande' and get an idea of the different shaped leaves and how much larger it gets.
Thumb of 2015-09-15/Meredith79/8ebc87
Here it is a few days later. Again you can see the size difference of the nearby Moy Grande.

Thumb of 2015-09-15/Meredith79/1b6b6b
Last edited by Meredith79 Sep 14, 2015 7:07 PM Icon for preview
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