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Aug 1, 2011 11:52 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: woodthrush
Albrightsville PA
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Lilies Region: Northeast US Birds
Sempervivums Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: United States of America Hostas Heucheras Garden Art
About 12 to a regular flat rate box
3" pots except where noted
Lobelia cardinalis Fried Green Tomatoes 2.95
Lobelia Queen Victoria 2.95
Lupine Gallery Blue 3.00
Atilbe Amethyst $2.00 bare root
astilbe visions (pink) $2.00 bare root
astilbe white gloria $2.00 bare root
caryopteris Snow Fairy 2.25
caryopteris Hint of Gold 2.25
salvia Marcus 2.00
Tiarella oregon trail 3.45/liner
t. sunset ridge 3.45/liner
t. pacific coast 3.45/liner
Redstone Falls - New - $4.25/liner
Penstemon Prairie Dusk 3.00
Heuchera Guardian Angel 3.75
Heuchera Encore 3.75
Heuchera Pinot Gris 3.75
Aquilegia Columbine Crimson Star 2.00
A. Columbine Clementine Red 1.80
Campanula Blue Waterfall 2.25
Campsis Trumpet VineFlamenco 3.50
Campsis Trumpet VineRadicans 3.50
Ligularia Osiris Cafe Noir 3.00
Clematis Pink Champagne 3.25
Buddleia Pink Delight 2.50
Buddleia White Profusion 2.25
daylily Bonanza 1.50
daylily Stella d'oro 1.50
Daylily Cherry Cheeks 2.25
daylily Alaqua 2.25
daylily strawberry candy 1.25
daylily El Desperado

New - Plants for Sale - co-op prices
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Aug 2, 2011 1:09 PM CST
Name: New username - Crittergarden
Unexpectedly Green Pittsburgh (Zone 5b)
NEW USER NAME: Crittergarden
Oh good grief, you're everywhere!
Will you combine with the echinacea & heuchera orders?
Decisions, decisions.
I tried a couple of usernames and have finally settled on:


That's it, no more changes. I'm done. I will be crittergarden here, on Cubits, and when I renew my Dave's Garden subscription on Noveber 4, I'll be crittergarden over there, too. DONE!~~~ UNTIL ONE HAS LOVED AN ANIMAL, PART OF THEIR SOUL REMAINS UNAWAKENED ~~~
Avatar for plantsANDpets
Aug 2, 2011 1:34 PM CST
Name: New username - Crittergarden
Unexpectedly Green Pittsburgh (Zone 5b)
NEW USER NAME: Crittergarden
t. pacific coast 3.45/liner - - -- - even google image search wouldn’t show me this plant.
Decisions, decisions.
I tried a couple of usernames and have finally settled on:


That's it, no more changes. I'm done. I will be crittergarden here, on Cubits, and when I renew my Dave's Garden subscription on Noveber 4, I'll be crittergarden over there, too. DONE!~~~ UNTIL ONE HAS LOVED AN ANIMAL, PART OF THEIR SOUL REMAINS UNAWAKENED ~~~
Avatar for plantsANDpets
Aug 2, 2011 1:54 PM CST
Name: New username - Crittergarden
Unexpectedly Green Pittsburgh (Zone 5b)
NEW USER NAME: Crittergarden
I would like one each of:
Lobelia cardinalis Fried Green Tomatoes 2.95
Tiarella oregon trail 3.45/liner EVERGREEN!
t. sunset ridge 3.45/liner EVERGREEN!
Penstemon Prairie Dusk 3.00 EVERGREEN!
Heuchera Guardian Angel 3.75 EVERGREEN!

And three of:
daylily Bonanza 1.50

If possible, please combine the invoice with the echinacea/heuchera order I just placed. If they must be separate, invoice this one also to [email protected].

This is FUN!
Decisions, decisions.
I tried a couple of usernames and have finally settled on:


That's it, no more changes. I'm done. I will be crittergarden here, on Cubits, and when I renew my Dave's Garden subscription on Noveber 4, I'll be crittergarden over there, too. DONE!~~~ UNTIL ONE HAS LOVED AN ANIMAL, PART OF THEIR SOUL REMAINS UNAWAKENED ~~~
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