Dutchlady1 said: werecow. it looks very nice if maybe a little leggy... I think you might be overwatering it a tad? usually the pots that sit on saucers hold too much moisture for succulents to be totally happy.
Dutchlady1 said:It doesn't sound like too much; do you ever have water standing in the saucer? how does the soil feel? The rule with watering succulents is - if there is even a hint of moisture in the soil (stick your finger in it) don't water....
I wouldn't stress too much, the plant looks healthy enough. I was just wondering why it's so leggy. Maybe it would like more sun?
Dutchlady1 said:It doesn't sound like too much; do you ever have water standing in the saucer? how does the soil feel? The rule with watering succulents is - if there is even a hint of moisture in the soil (stick your finger in it) don't water....
I wouldn't stress too much, the plant looks healthy enough. I was just wondering why it's so leggy. Maybe it would like more sun?
Dutchlady1 said:You could; but you don't need to. It would probably grow more dense if you did, but in a way it's unusual the way it is now.