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Sep 30, 2015 11:35 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
I really love this idea! I have several of these baskets . . . and in the winter they are useless, because my balcony doesn't get enough sun November - February.

Thumb of 2015-09-30/Boopaints/c005f3

I found this here, ready for sale. But we know we can duplicate it to our own taste.

ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Sep 30, 2015 11:37 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
The link above has a lot of fun ideas too. Hurray! Hurray!
ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Sep 30, 2015 11:57 AM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
GREAT idea(s) Becky - LOVE it Hurray! Hurray!
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Sep 30, 2015 12:21 PM CST
Name: Lin Vosbury
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)

Region: Ukraine Region: United States of America Bird Bath, Fountain and Waterfall Region: Florida Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Birds Butterflies Bee Lover Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Lovey dubby I saw that on Facebook and saved it to my page as a reminder.
I think it would be a wonderful project for the holidays and could be made so much less expensively than the price they are asking!! A lot of garden centers/nurseries in the north probably have those types of hanging baskets on clearance right about now and one could use live plant material or silk/artificial plant material for the decorations ... with battery powered light strands!
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!

Oct 1, 2015 5:25 PM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Lin, I may have gotten it from you!! *Blush*
ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Oct 2, 2015 8:22 AM CST
Name: Lin Vosbury
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)

Region: Ukraine Region: United States of America Bird Bath, Fountain and Waterfall Region: Florida Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Birds Butterflies Bee Lover Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Becky, I saw an ad somewhere again yesterday ... I think they were asking $79.99 for one. I know I could make one for a lot less! Big Grin
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!

Oct 7, 2015 10:30 PM CST
Name: Dee Moore
Arroyo Grande, CA (Zone 9a)
Seller of Garden Stuff Seed Starter Garden Art Butterflies Annuals Cactus and Succulents
Greenhouse Container Gardener Region: California Winter Sowing Garden Photography I helped beta test the first seed swap
Well, you've got me to thinkin' again Becky.
I'm sure I could come up with something really cute to hang in my entry just by using some of the "extra" Christmas decorations. Or even just using candy canes, or how about little toys? The import store always has a bunch of the those cute minature "toy" decorations.
Oct 14, 2015 11:06 AM CST
Name: Lin Vosbury
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)

Region: Ukraine Region: United States of America Bird Bath, Fountain and Waterfall Region: Florida Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Birds Butterflies Bee Lover Hummingbirder Container Gardener
I dug out a wire hanging basket from the garage and a friend has one that she was going to throw out but said she'd save for me; I have a sheet of the coir fiber that I will fit to cut the baskets ... now I just need to get up in the attic and dig through decorations etc. I know I have silk Christmas flowers, berries etc. and plenty of ornaments that I can use and somewhere in one of my many bins of decorations, I have some battery powered light strands too. If I ever get around to this project before the holidays I will post photos.

edited to add: I see there's just 72 days until Christmas!! I don't think we're going to put up a tree, outside lights or even do much indoor decorating this year because we're moving next May 1st and the thought of having to take it all down and re-pack and store it all after the holidays is just too exhausting, especially since I will begin the packing of household stuff for the move sometime after the first of the year!
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!

Last edited by plantladylin Oct 14, 2015 11:14 AM Icon for preview
Oct 15, 2015 9:57 AM CST
Name: Holly
South Central Pa
Region: Mid-Atlantic Charter ATP Member Greenhouse I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pennsylvania Tropicals
Ponds Hummingbirder Birds Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Garden Ideas: Master Level
I just love this idea. My Garden Club was just talking about what to do with the old wire baskets we have and were thinking about using them as containers for our mixed Greens that we sell.
Life is Great! Holly
Please visit me and learn more about My Life on the Water a Personal Journey Thread in the MidAtlanticMusings Cubit.
Oct 15, 2015 10:41 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Lets post photos of what we end up doing!
ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Oct 15, 2015 11:59 AM CST
Name: Holly
South Central Pa
Region: Mid-Atlantic Charter ATP Member Greenhouse I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pennsylvania Tropicals
Ponds Hummingbirder Birds Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Garden Ideas: Master Level
I will
Life is Great! Holly
Please visit me and learn more about My Life on the Water a Personal Journey Thread in the MidAtlanticMusings Cubit.
Oct 16, 2015 1:33 PM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Mar 2, 2016 6:36 PM CST
Name: JoJo
Texas (Zone 8b)
Bee Lover Region: Texas Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers Irises
Hibiscus Garden Art Frogs and Toads Dragonflies Dog Lover Daylilies
So cute, seems it could be used for all holidays
Gardening is learning, learning, learning. That's the fun of them.
You're always learning !
Helen Mirren
Mar 3, 2016 8:55 AM CST
Name: Holly
South Central Pa
Region: Mid-Atlantic Charter ATP Member Greenhouse I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pennsylvania Tropicals
Ponds Hummingbirder Birds Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Garden Ideas: Master Level
Oh, I forgot all about posting a picture of my basket. No lights or shiny balls just a big basket of mixed greens and it was lovely. I didn't make it myself one of the other members of the garden club put it together and I ended up with it. Although it is looking pretty sad by now it is still hanging by the front door as a Wren has taken up residence in it. I really should get it down and make her move before she decides to build a nest and lay eggs. Then it will be there all summer long.
Life is Great! Holly
Please visit me and learn more about My Life on the Water a Personal Journey Thread in the MidAtlanticMusings Cubit.
Mar 12, 2016 3:04 PM CST
Name: Holly
South Central Pa
Region: Mid-Atlantic Charter ATP Member Greenhouse I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pennsylvania Tropicals
Ponds Hummingbirder Birds Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Garden Ideas: Master Level
Ok, So I don't know too many people that would post pics of a dead old greens arrangement, but here it is. Green Grin!
Hopefully you can get an idea of what a beautiful arrangement it was. There was several different types of evergreens, cryptomeria and gold mop cypress added color and shape as well as other evergreens, holly with berries, magnolia leaves, dried large hydrangea blooms, red twig dogwood. It is coming down in the next few days. A small wren has been overwintering in it that is why it is still in place. I am hoping that it is warm enough now for her to find a new spot before she starts nesting. I really don't want this hanging here much longer.
Thumb of 2016-03-12/HollyAnnS/18a6c9
Thumb of 2016-03-12/HollyAnnS/4e6701
Life is Great! Holly
Please visit me and learn more about My Life on the Water a Personal Journey Thread in the MidAtlanticMusings Cubit.
Mar 12, 2016 4:48 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Very nice Holly and thank you for showing us. I hope the wren finds another place too Lovey dubby
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
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