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Oct 6, 2015 11:20 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Mary Stella
Chester, VA (Zone 7b)
Dahlias Canning and food preservation Lilies Peonies Permaculture Ponds
Garden Ideas: Level 2
Many of us here have excess tubers of a single kind that we would be willing to sell or trade. I have started this thread for that purpose. Per Geof it would work best if we stuck to listing our dahlias and keeping chats to the other dahlias threads.

I have dug mine and they are drying ready for inspection and possible dividing. Where I have multiple clumps of the same dahlia I will divide all but one. I want to try Pirl's (Arlene) method of storing in clumps this year.

When I am done dividing I will post the good looking tubers I am willing to sell or trade here, I have pictures for each kind which I will post.
From -60 Alaska to +100 Virginia. Wahoo
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